Clockwise: United Chesco candidates Alita Rovito, Tony Verwey, Margaret Reif, Yolanda Van de Krol, Sophia Garcia-Jackson, and Patricia Maisano.
WEST CHESTER — United Chesco, the Democratic PAC for six countywide candidates for this year’s Court Of Common Pleas and Row Office elections, kick off the final stretch to Election Day with the launch of their new website, unitedchesco.org.
The six county candidates — Patricia Maisano for Treasurer, Sophia Garcia-Jackson for Coroner, Alita Rovito and Tony Verwey for the two Court of Common Pleas posts, Yolanda Van De Krol for Clerk of Courts and Margaret Reif for Controller – have been crisscrossing the county this summer, sharing their experience and vision for every resident in Chester County.
“They will be the first to tell you that for generations, Democrats as elected officials used to be an impossible dream,” admits Charlotte Valyo, Chair of Chester County Democratic Committee (CCDC). “But four years ago, Patricia, Yolanda and Margaret broke the red ceiling with historic wins as Chester County’s first Democratic Row Officers. They each brought headline-making parity and new ideas to our county.”
Since last year, voter registration in Chester County has turned blue with a slim but significant lead in Democrats over Republicans. Registered Independents hold a deciding factor and all six candidates plan to appeal to every household of every political allegiance with their vision of compassion, clarity and competence.
For citizens not familiar with the term Row Officers, the four posts on the ballot in November were so named from the floor plan of their former quarters. They are elected officials who are responsible for running the County’s various offices. Their term of office is four years. The other five row offices now held by Democrats (District Attorney, Prothonotary, Recorder of Deeds, Register of Wills and Sheriff) will next be up for election in 2023.
The Court of Common Pleas of Chester County is a general jurisdiction trial court located in West Chester. There are currently 13 full-time Judges (including just three Democrats) and a Senior Judge. There are two openings this year. The Judges hear a wide spectrum of cases, including adult and juvenile criminal prosecutions, lawsuits involving money or property, divorce, custody disputes, child support issues, adoptions, and estates.
For information on volunteer opportunities, campaign literature, lawn signs or to make a donation, visit their United Chesco website at unitedchesco.org.
That’s unitedchesco.org (the d is missing at the end of this article)
Thanks for the correction — ran as submitted.