Setting aside fashion for one week

By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist,

I can’t write a fashion article today.

Instead, I’d like to honor my cousin, Michael Horrocks, who perished in the horrific attacks on September 11th, 2001.

Michael was 38 years old and a co-pilot on United Flight 175 when it was hijacked and crashed into the South Tower of the World Trade Center.

He was a devoted husband and father to two beautiful children.

He was a son, a brother, a Marine, a former West Chester University quarterback, a pilot and an all-around great man.

I have so many happy memories of Michael. It is the remembrance of those joyous times that help ease the pain of losing someone so special.

My thoughts and prayers go out to all of the families affected by that tragic day. I hope that in the decade that has passed we have learned as individuals and as a nation that life is precious and should never be taken for granted.

Please use this day to honor those who were lost but never forgotten.


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  1. Kelly says:

    I remember hearing that like it was yesterday….breaks my heart still. Thanks for posting.

  2. A dad says:

    About Daddy
    by Christa

    Daddy was a great man.
    He was such fun to play with and be with.
    I know he’s watching over us in heaven and he’ll be there until we join him one day.
    I’m glad Daddy taught me all those nature things. Because Daddy’s everywhere.
    He’s in the trees, the ground, the sky, the leaves, the ocean and the air.
    I can breathe Daddy in with a big deep breath.
    Daddy made me feel happy and playful.
    He would want all of you to be happy and playful too.
    When Daddy was away, he would send us big hugs through the phone.
    Now we want to send Daddy big hugs ! HUGGGGGG!
    And we love you up to the moon and back!

  3. Brian McCrea says:

    You’ve had some great articles Kelly. You are doing a great job, but this is your best one yet!