Let’s remember our men and women in uniform, including some recent Unionville grads
By Hannah Christopher, Staff Writer, UnionvilleTimes.com

Luca Cerami, a recent Unionville High School graduate, seen at West Point front row second from left
Today is Independence Day. Many different emotions come to mind when most of us think of this day every year. I am excited to barbecue with family and celebrating with friends.
It is thrilling to watch fireworks or to cheer on the Phillies. Unwinding by the ocean on one of the busiest weekends of the year is pleasurable for many. But mostly I think of all of those currently and previously who have served in the armed forces to preserve the freedom we know here in America.
This July 4th weekend I am especially thinking about three young men who just graduated from Unionville in June. While the majority of their friends are enjoying their summer before going off to college these three young men have already begun their military careers.
Evan Brady enlisted in the U.S. Army and is in boot camp at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri. Fort Leonard Wood is a United States Army installation located in the Ozark Mountains of Missouri. Lucas Cerami is in the midst of his Beast training for West Point as a plebe. And finally Peter Clark, Unionville’s former star soccer goalie has enlisted in the Marines and is in boot camp as well.
On Independence Day many of us will have patriotic displays to celebrate our independence from imperial rule.
But it’s important to pause today to remember the sacrifices that our men and women in uniform have made so that we all may declare our freedoms and rights to say and live freely. I know I will think about my Grandfather who died in World War I, my Father who served in World War II, and three of my brothers who all served time in the army with two of them recently returning from Iraq. I will think of my sister’s son, my nephew Luke who is in Afghanistan. Additionally I am going to add to my thoughts the three young men from Unionville who have made the decision to serve this great country of ours.
God bless all of the men and women in uniform but a special blessing to these three young men from Unionville. Thank you Evan Brady, Lucas Cerami and Peter Clark from all of us here in your home town.
Happy 4th of July from all of us at The Unionville Times.
Please feel free to comment and mention your loved ones, friends or family who has served or who are currently serving in the military.
Thank you Janis for your comment and thank you to your son David for his service. I am glad you mentioned Joe Corcoran from UHS and also Greg StancZuk is serving at the Merchant Marine academy.
Great job Hannah. My son David is presently defending our freedom in the Persian Gulf. I’m so proud of all of these young men. Joe Corcoran who also graduated with these young men also signed up to be a Marine.
As the author’s brother I am proud to have served, proud of my family’s service and prouder that service is encouraged, but not required. Well written Hannah! God Bless America! Happy 4th!