Letter: Do, Lindner rebut Hellrung comments

To the Editor:

Letters1We were saddened and, quite frankly bewildered, by Mr. Hellrung’s attack against us and his endorsement of our opponents. The comments expressed are diametrically opposed to comments he has made to us personally. We guess it really is true that politics makes strange bedfellows.

Mr. Hellrung’s letter is ironic for two reasons.

First, when we ran four years ago, Mr. Hellrung’s good friend and colleague on the school board, Keith Knauss, had written a similar attack against the two of us and also sang the praises of the slate endorsed by the Chadds Ford Republican Party.  Parents and others who cared about the quality of education rallied to our defense. They were only too aware that Mr. Knauss, along with Mr. Hellrung, were the leaders of an organization known as the Citizens for Efficient Education, the organization that had single-handedly defeated two referendums to renovate the high school. 

Apparently history is repeating itself. The only difference is that with Keith, we always knew where we stood. With Jeff, he chose to wait until a few days before the election to take off his mask and reveal his true motivation: to ensure that the UCF School Board will once again have a strong conservative majority.

The other irony is the statement that Mr. Hellrung made. He knows well that our Education Not Politics theme is related to the fact that we are running with Bev Brookes on a Bi-Partisan team for school board. We are three proud parents and a grandparent, Democrats and Republicans running together to serve the best interest of our schools. We have not solicited any political party donations nor will we be beholden to any political party when we cast votes that impact the future of our schools. It is a fact that the opposition slate was recruited by Mary Kot, the Chair of the Republican Party of Chadds Ford, and anyone who does not believe that she is the “man behind the curtain” for their campaign simply has their head in the sand. (Apologies for the mixed metaphors.)

One final comment. We ask all letter writers to stop the bullying attacks on Bev Brookes with their statements that she has tried to hide the fact that her daughter is a teacher in the district. She has always been upfront about that fact, as reporters and any voters she has met will tell you. And like our Board President, who was elected when his daughter was also a teacher, this will in no way compromise her effectiveness on the board. She is a passionate, committed, and quite frankly amazing woman, and we are honored to be running with her for School Board.


Kathleen Meehan Do

Gregg Lindner

UCF School Board Directors

Region C – Pennsbury/Chadds Ford

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  1. Jeff Hellrung says:

    My letter was neither an attack on Brooks-Do-Linder nor an endorsement of their opponents. I just couldn’t get over the irony of Brooks-Do-Linder, who are all veteran political operatives, running a campaign for education and against politics when opponents Daniels-Murphy-Ramunno are all political neophytes who are simply promoting excellent education at a reasonable cost to the taxpayers. I would not have commented if Brooks-Do-Linder had just run a positive campaign as their opponents are doing. Neither is it bullying to point out the Brooks conflict of interest. That is something that voters need to know. I will continue to work cooperatively and respectfully with all of my board colleagues whoever the Region C voters choose on Nov 3. I’m just thrilled to live in a country where we can all participate in spirited political dialogue during election campaigns and have peaceful political transitions.

  2. TE Resident says:

    Kathleen and Gregg,

    This has nothing to do with whether or not Bev is a compassionate, committed and amazing woman. I’m sure she is what you say.

    I am saddened and disappointed that you are Board Members who can’t see the Publics Point of View about this. We can’t have teachers or their family members making Policy decisions. Why have a Board then?

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