Letter: Do, Lindner have shown leadership

Letters1In June 2012, we relocated to the Philadelphia area with my husband’s company. It was our eighth relocation and we selected our new home based on one criterion, school district.  Like many families in the district, we chose the UCFSD above all others based on its record and reputation. To become more involved in our community and my children’s school, I attend school board meetings. As a resident of Region C (Pennsbury/Chadds Ford), I was particularly interested in the contributions of my school board representatives, Carolyn Daniels, Kathy Do and Gregg Lindner.

What I have seen could not be more revealing.  Monthly, Mrs. Do and Mr. Lindner are engaged, participating in complex discussions and strongly advocating for their positions. Carolyn Daniels is, for the most part, a non-factor and rarely engages or contributes to discussions.

Please do not take my word for it, I invite anyone to go to the UDFSD website and watch any school board meeting and you will understand what I am talking about.  In particular, please watch the June 2015 Board Meeting and the discussion on the budget which begins about one hour into the video.

The budget is one of the most crucial items the board votes on.  Mrs. Do and Mr. Lindner were participating, argued forcefully for their position in support of a reasonable budget that would protect district reserves into the future.  Mrs. Daniels read a statement that seemed to have been prepared for her and aligned her with the more conservative members that favored a limited budget that could negatively impact spending flexibility in future years. 

School board elections must not be popularity contests.  If we are to retain our standing as one of the highest achieving school districts in the nation, we need school board members who are effective advocates for our children! That is why I strenuously support Kathy Do and Gregg Lindner for School Board.


Mary Short


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  1. UCF Parent says:

    Ms. Short, Do you even KNOW Carolyn Daniels? Have you EVER attended a Java with John, Curriculum Council meeting, Wellness Committee meeting, Homework Committee meeting, UHS PTO meeting, etc, with her?? Have you read the updated Concussion Management and Policy? She was an integral part of implementing and revising that. Why are you making such unfounded remarks? Do you really know first hand everything that she has accomplished for our school district?. Take a little time out of your schedule if this is so important to you and make an effort to truly find out what her numerous contributions have been to our students, parents and tax payers. And just because she may not be vocal enough for your preference, you have no grounds to make these remarks, that are spreading and creating bad vibes throughout our community. You have only lived here 3 years, she’s been a resident for over 20. Who do you think carries more weight?

    • Mary Short says:

      I have attended many of the meetings you mentioned. My opinion of Mrs Daniels work as a School Board member is stated above. It is well not wrong to express one’s opinion of electeds. That is why we have “Opinion Pages”

      • TE Resident says:

        I agree. It would be great if more citizens like you step forward and voice their opinion about our elected officials and what they are doing that influences the lives of citizens. The more citizens who get involved and understand how things work, the better. And the best way to do that is to go to meetings or watch them on T.V. or U-Tube. So, as a fellow tax paying citizen, you have my gratitude.

        Everyone has their own personal style. Some read from a script, so their message may be interpreted by some as dry and insincere. Some argue forcefully like Do and Lindner so their message may be interpreted by some as impassioned and sincere.

        Speaking style is determined by many factors. Maybe that’s simply the way Carolyn speaks, maybe Carolyn had more support for her position than the others so she simply read from a script.

        No mater how words are delivered, Board Directors who deliver them at an organized meeting before the public are responsible for them.

        I am confused about your point. Do you believe Carolyn should develop a more passionate delivery style? Because she read from a script, do you believe her words are insincere? Am I correct that you are upset because she aligns herself with more conservative members who favor a limited budget?

        Carolyn’s message has always been she wants to make the best decisions for all involved. I’ve been watching this board for a while. IMO, she does the best job of following through on her message.

  2. TE Resident says:

    Ms. Short,

    You say,

    The budget is one of the most crucial items the board votes on. Mrs. Do and Mr. Lindner were participating, argued forcefully for their position in support of a reasonable budget that would protect district reserves into the future. Mrs. Daniels read a statement that seemed to have been prepared for her and aligned her with the more conservative members that favored a limited budget that could negatively impact spending flexibility in future years.

    What is wrong with Carolyn Daniels’s approach? How do you want her to present her views? If she presents her information in a way that suits your personal style, would it make a difference?

    Go Do, go Lindner and Go Daniels

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