To The Editor,
How ironic that Region C UCF School Board candidates Brooks, Do, and Lindner are running on a platform that proclaims “Education Not Politics”. Brooks, Do, and Lindner have all been highly active in partisan politics for many decades and each has served as an elected official. I applaud their involvement in political action but that campaign slogan is very inappropriate when each of them is an experienced political operative and each of their opponents is highly inexperienced in politics.
Brooks, Do, and Lindner are putting their political expertise to good use in running a masterful campaign. Brooks has stressed her concerns as a caring grandmother of district students while choosing not to reveal that she is also the mother of a district teacher. Region C voters will have to decide if they want to elect a school board director who may not be able to vote on matters related to the teachers’ union due to her conflict of interest.
On the other side, candidates Daniels, Murphy, and Ramunno are all political newcomers. Their primary interest is nothing other than ensuring that we continue to deliver an outstanding education to our students at a reasonable cost to our taxpayers. I hope that the voters in Region C will go beyond the slogans and make an informed decision on Tuesday, November 3.
Jeff Hellrung,
Director, Unionville-Chadds Ford Board of Education
East Marlborough
Letter: Politics at center of UCF campaign
To The Editor,
Brooks, Do, and Lindner are putting their political expertise to good use in running a masterful campaign. Brooks has stressed her concerns as a caring grandmother of district students while choosing not to reveal that she is also the mother of a district teacher. Region C voters will have to decide if they want to elect a school board director who may not be able to vote on matters related to the teachers’ union due to her conflict of interest.
On the other side, candidates Daniels, Murphy, and Ramunno are all political newcomers. Their primary interest is nothing other than ensuring that we continue to deliver an outstanding education to our students at a reasonable cost to our taxpayers. I hope that the voters in Region C will go beyond the slogans and make an informed decision on Tuesday, November 3.
Jeff Hellrung,
Director, Unionville-Chadds Ford Board of Education
East Marlborough
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