Update: Hogan won’t press charges in sign attack claim


Chester County District Attorney Tom Hogan declined to press charges Sunday in a case reported Saturday by State Police involving an alleged incident involving a district justice candidate supporter allegedly trying to run down with a car an opponent’s supporter earlier this month.

According to a release from the State Police, “this case was brought to the attention of the Chester County District Attorneys Office, which declined to approve charges against the suspect.”

Hogan’s decision not to pursue charges is the latest chapter in the nastiest District Justice race in recent memory in District 15-4-04 (West Grove and Avondale boroughs, West Marlborough, London Grove, Franklin, London Britain, and New Garden townships) between incumbent Matthew Seavey and challenger Nicole Morley, both Republicans.

Initially, State Police reported Saturday they were investigating an incident claiming a supporter of  Seavey was allegedly nearly run down by a silver or light blue Infinity with a Morley sign on it in Franklin Township, on May 8.


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  1. skeptic says:

    Morley lost. Nice try Hogan

  2. Jose Tapia says:

    Just curious, when do the state Cops have to go to Hogan for approval on something like this? Something smells fishy in the Morley camp. If this was me, I would be in jail by now

    • Mike McGann says:

      Again — let me point out that Tom Hogan (or his subordinates) has the right to look at a case and determine whether they merit charges. He basically has three options: file, refer the matter to a grand jury or choose not to pursue the case. He chose the latter, likely because there was no evidence that would be admissible in court beyond one person’s word (versus another). I’ve known Hogan long enough to know that he wouldn’t be in the tank for either candidate — but likely feels a lot like I do, caught in the middle, being attacked (and in my case, threatened with litigation) by both sides who have clearly both lost perspective here.

  3. Mike E. says:

    Well, let’s look at this objectively. There was obviously an incident that took place between two people to the point where one person contacted the police. The fact that the DA didn’t want to pursue the charges doesn’t mean that an incident didn’t take place. There just wasn’t enough evidence to prosecute. Regardless, it doesn’t bode well for either side. Morley looks bad to Seavey supporters because it looks like her supporters were trying to silence her opponent in her area by threatening physical violence. Seavey looks bad because his supporters look like they’re trying to make Morley look bad by possibly making false police reports. And reading the comments on this site it seems that people just want to keep perpetuating the hostility. At some point you can’t keep blaming the candidates for the actions of chuckleheads. Such nonsense.

  4. Kathy Tucci says:

    Everyone can read through those despicable accusations and see that the Seavey supporters will do anything to try to help his campaign. All they continue to do is show what they are all about. The length to which they will go seems to have no end.
    These accusations were completely unfounded. The District Attorney’s Office has denied all charges. Clearly, they even see the real truth in all of this!
    Nicole Morley has integrity and honor and she has stayed above board in this campaign. As a lawyer and a prosecutor and the only lawyer in this race, she pledges to be fair and seek justice as she always has!
    Please join me and others who want an upgrade in our District Court. Please vote on Tuesday, May 19th for Nicole Morley for Magisterial District Judge.

    • To the brainwashed! says:

      Kathy, pretty clear you have joined the Morley Cult…enjoy the Kool Aide tomorrow whacko!

  5. nobody special says:

    Mikey??!!!where are you??? keep an eye out for some papers… hahahahaha

  6. TE RES says:

    With no video, therefore no proof, it’s his/her word against his/her word. Hogan can’t press charges. (God bless America) It’s as simple as that. No one knows the truth.

    • Mike E. says:

      Well, tell that to rape and murder victims. Apparently you have no idea what you’re talking about when it pertains to law. I would stick to cat meme’s and leave the voting to educated adults.

      • Teres says:

        And you do know what you’re talking about? Doesn’t sound like it. Even with rape and murder, you have to have proof. What is cat meme’s?

        • Mike E. says:

          Please re-read your post and understand how silly you sounded. You stated that because someone didn’t have video evidence of a crime they believe was perpetrated against them, that means there was no proof. The fact that I would need to try to waste time to explain how silly that sounds proves that you’re not even worthy of a cat meme.

          • Teres says:

            O.K. Mike E. – or whatever your name is – funny that out of all the comments on this site and all of the hostile comments you choose to attack me, but no matter.

            You said it best and this is what I meant and I think you know that:
            There just wasn’t enough evidence to prosecute. Please go find your own site to troll.

          • Mike E says:

            I picked the most asinine comment and responded. So, let me get this straight. You think that only you are allowed to make comments and no one should question or point out your ignorance? I would suggest that you find someone close to your location that has an IQ higher than 70 and ask them to explain how silly your initial comment was. Maybe then you’ll realize the error of your ways and grant me the allowance to comment in an open forum. Oh, that’s right, it’s not up to you. I guess it speaks volumes in how you rule your life. Happy voting. I’ll make sure to cancel out your vote with mine. You’re welcome.

          • Teres says:

            You’re not Mike E. You don’t live here and you don’t care about this election.

          • Mike E says:

            The more you post, the more you show you’re lack of intelligence and ability to communicate beyond your front door. As a Landenberg resident, I voted and gleefully cancelled out your vote. Enjoy your pitiful existence and pray that if you are victim of any crime that it is captured on video otherwise the perpetrator must go free… according to your warped understanding of the law.

          • Teres says:

            Your comment says so much more about you than it does me. Have a nice day.

          • Mike E says:

            Yes, it says that I’m a much more knowledgeable person of the law than you. It also explains how happy I am to have been able to cancel out your vote today. And yes, I am having a nice day today. Thanks.

          • Teres says:

            Again, your comment says more about you than me. Have a nice day!

          • Mike E says:

            I’m going to have a great day today knowing that you lost. Thanks again.

          • Teres says:

            You’re not going to vote. You don’t live here. Thanks and have a nice day.

          • Mike E says:

            You do realize that the primary was yesterday? Do you ever get tired of being wrong? Hmmmm, I guess not. But I gotta give you credit for trying. Thanks again, big guy.

  7. Nicole Irwin says:

    This false and obviously planted story just shows how nervous Matt Seavey and his supporters are getting about this Tuesday.. Nice try

    • Saul good says:

      Going to the police and reporting a crime is not planting a story numb nuts

  8. Mr Mellow says:

    Hello everyone. I have been reading the comments under several letters of these election letters and I gotta say I am ashamed by everyone on both sides. It is to a point where the editor of this paper says he wouldnt vote for either party, though, to my knowledge he doesnt know either of them. Thats sad that this has come to that. I personally have not decided who I am going to vote for yet, but I can tell you this, I wont base my vote on what has been going on here for the past few weeks. Why doesnt everyone call a truce and keep silent on all letters until the election is over, then brag if your peson won? Mike, can I ask you to clear out all these comments for all letters? I am ashamed of everyone, and I think Nicole and Matt would be also

    • Seriously?! says:

      Clear out the comments? 98% of these show the support of the Seavey Campagin. You want to clear all of the posts that show how dangerous Morley and her Crew are…..yet you say you don’t know who you’re voting for yet?!? I’m no mind reader…but this one seems pretty clear to me that you back Morely.

      You don’t like what you see or not happy with these comments well then Mr. Mellow…I suggest you turn your screen around as it is our constitutional right to speak freely. And though Mr. McGann has been somewhat bias I think he has done an outstanding job at keeping things somewhat civil.

  9. Jason says:

    I’m just sick and tired of hearing about Nicole Morley and how great she is. Be a little humble for God’s sake. She is no more qualified than any other lawyer in the yellow pages. You would think this election is for ruler of the universe.

  10. BobbyB says:

    THIS MEANS 1 OF 2 THINGS. There wasn’t enough evidence to bring forward in court… Or Tom Hogan doesn’t want to get involved in a politically motivated investigation seeing how it’s a conflict of interest. Does not mean that it didn’t happen.

  11. Common Sense says:

    Kellie and Colleen. The DA Office can choose to not prosecute cases at their discretion regardless of the solidity of facts and or circumstances. Don’t overstate yourself. Only the state police report can provide the details of the investigation. Furthermore, if you think Tom Hogan or anyone else at the DA’s Office isn’t politically motivated or capable of making irresponsible decisions then you need to wake up. Come on people, start using common sense.

  12. Patty Goodall says:

    No charges…what a surprise…the fix was in from the getgo…Nicole should be ashamed

  13. Kellie Caldwell says:

    Let’s clarify the facts please? A claim was made by a Seavey campaign supporter, and because it was baseless (aka entirely fabricated), an OFFICIAL UPDATE from the PA State Police stated “this case was brought to the attention of the Chester County District Attorney’s Office, which DECLINED to approve charges against the suspect.”

    Anyone can see that this accusation by a Seavey supporter was a politically motivated attempt to discredit his opponent that backfired. I suppose that when you’re up against Nicole Morley, an impressive individual with squeaky clean credentials, who is backed by almost an entire community, one must resort to blatant lies and desperate attempts at bullying and intimidation.
    These sorry, dirty tricks do nothing but discredit Seavey’s campaign, representing a shameful waste of valuable state resources.

    Nicole Morley continues to be positive and above board in her campaign for Magisterial District Judge. She and her family are good, honest people, who are dedicated to the community and devoted to the children and families who live here. I know for a fact that Nicole Morley is determined to bring INTEGRITY and PROFESSIONALISM back to the District Court, and that she has the education and understanding of the law required to do just that—which is why she will have my family’s vote on Tuesday.

    • Seriously concerned! says:

      Ms. Caldwell,
      Truly you are oblivious to the facts of this investigation and the parties (or parties husbands) that were involved. If you were clear on this and still think that Ms Morley is fitting for the job you’d be crazy! Ms Morley and her *wink-wink-nudge-nudge* connections with some of the members of the Chesco DAs office has clearly been the sole reason that this was…and lets be honest with ourselves and call it how it is…swept under the rug!!! An honest man placing a sign…almost stuck by Morley family vehicle and…yup…it all magiclly goes away.

      To all of you who plan to vote on Tuesday…that should make it clear enough. Vote right…Vote Seavey!

      To all those who weren’t planning or weren’t interested in voting…here is a perfect reason to! Come out and vote Seavey to Stay. Lets keep Morely from spreading her lack of morals, leadership and INTEGRITY (not intregrity for you Morley spell masters) out of the court.

    • Out of TP says:

      This is the most ridiculous comment I’ve read. I’m sitting here on the toilet about to get ready for work and I can’t stop laughing.

    • Jane Eyre says:

      I’m sorry – but your post makes you a bit of a pot stirrer yourself. You have made baseless claims against Mr. Seavey who has not commented once on this incident and has also run a very positive campaign. If we are to judge Mr. Seavey and his campaign on the words, actions or accusations of his supporters – then we can and must to the same for Mrs. Morley – and your post does her campaign discredit as you come across as an emotional and fact-less mudslinger. I’m failing to understand your venomous attitude towards Judge Seavey who has run a court with excellent records – i.e. demonstrating the integrity and professionalism you have unjustly accused him of lacking. Perhaps if you actually took more time to research and fact find (key word there is “fact”) you wouldn’t sound quite as ridiculous as you do here. My guess is that you have paid absolutely no attention and had no interest in the happenings of the District Court until your friend decided to run – unless of course you or one of your family members have had to go before Judge Seavey – which would possibly explain your complete bias here. Having personally had several youth groups meet with Judge Seavey plus seeing that the man has followed through on his previous campaign promises and run a fair but just Court – I believe he has proven to be an extremely capable and knowledgeable judge. I would see no reason to replace somebody who does he job extremely well. I wish that we lived his jurisdiction as he would absolutely have our vote.

  14. colleen says:

    All readers should know that the District Attorney’s Office has denied these charges!

    These were utterly baseless accusations and straight out untrue! This shows the low level that Seavey and his campaign will go to when they are desperate. Nicole’s husband was driving his CHILDREN to their after school activities when this Seavey supporter was posting signs by her neighborhood in a large grassy area. Seavey and his campaign should be ashamed of themselves. This brings his campaign to a new low.

    I know Nicole and her husband and they are honorable, caring, committed and dedicated people who care about our community and making it better. No one who has ever known this family would EVER believe these lies against them.

    Nicole Morley has run a clean and honest campaign. She wants nothing more than the people to research and decide based on the truth who is the best candidate for Magisterial District Court. I hope you will agree with me that we need Nicole Morley. We need someone is fair and impartial and knows and respects the law!

    Join me on this TUESDAY and vote for Nicole Morley for Magisterial District Judge!

    • Mike McGann says:

      Just to be clear — Tom Hogan’s decision not to file doesn’t mean that nothing happened, any more than filing charges meant something happened.

      I would caution anyone to be very careful to conclude any facts here beyond this: a complaint was filed and the DA chose not to pursue it. Everything else is conjecture or opinion.

    • Rich H. says:

      The press release by the state police didn’t identify the driver as nicoles husband and left it open ended. Thanks for letting me know who the driver was.

    • Jane Eyre says:

      So if they post my reply to Ms. Caldwell – it would also apply to your post as well.

  15. curtis mason sr says:

    Its a sad day when things like this happen in a election i feel sorry for all envolved m att seavey always takes the high road he just runs his court fairly and most of us are very happy with him over the past 5 years with a perfect record on tuesday bring all this crap to s end vote to reelect our judge matt seavey !!!! See you at the polls.