Art Watch: Art goes 24/7

The 24/7 Project is an exhibition adventure in art!

By Lele Galer, Columnist, The Times

UTColLogoGalerThursday January 29th marks the opening reception for a fabulously innovative and fresh take on plein air in a day. Ceramic artist Rhoda Kahler and photographer Darcie Goldberg have collaborated on a 24 hour, 7 city artistic exploration of their travel impressions.

Over the past few months, this intrepid duo have travelled to Boston, Atlantic City, Washington DC, Baltimore, New York City, Philadelphia and Providence.  They carried with them pounds of clay, ceramic tools, and camera equipment, and explored each city for 24 hours of adrenaline filled creativity. The New Gallery in West Chester University will exhibit the results of this marathon of labor, and we can look forward to seeing these major cities in ways that have never been seen before. 


An example from the 24/7 Project

Many of you may be familiar with the photographic essays of major cities in one day where thousands of photographers set out for one day to chronicle the city in one image.  This is an exciting way to see a place through hundreds of different artistic viewpoints, and brings us a better appreciation of both a sense of place and of the artist. It was this sort of “city in a day” plein air contest that made Darcie and Rhoda think of doing their own “24/7 Project.”

Rhoda and Darcie have been friends for a long time, and have even shown together before at the Chester County Studio Tour at Rhoda’s studio location.  Darcie Goldberg is a professional photographer with over 30 years experience.  Her extensive travels and strong award winning B & W photographs have been featured in solo exhibitions, as well as in public and private collections. Until recently, Darcie Goldberg was Executive Director, and then Capital Campaign Director for Chester County Art Association. Now that Darcie has stepped down from her administrative role, she is plunging ahead with her life’s passion for photography.


Rhoda Kahler and Darcie Goldberg in Washington, D.C.

Rhoda Kahler is both a ceramics teacher and accomplished exhibiting artist. Her tile work has been featured in magazines, newspapers and on television, including on the Home and Garden Television network (HGTV).  Rhoda created the centennial tiles for the Delaware Art Museum in her Alphabet City motif.  Most recently, she finished a Guest Artist Residency at the Philadelphia Museum of Art for their Form and Art Program.   Drawing from nature, much of her art bends toward the organic, making use of abstraction and collage. If you have ever driven by the EO Bull Center for the Arts  at West Chester University, you will have seen one of Rhoda’s absolutely stunning ceramic mosaic wall murals. You should park your car and see it up close!

For more details and even a blog on “The 24/7 Project”, check out  The opening reception is January 29th from 5-8pm, and the Gallery Talk is Saturday February 7th 2-4pm. I am really looking forward to that! The shows runs through February 28th.

The “Contemplating the Tree” show at Chester County Art Association opens this Thursday January 22nd 5-8pm. I’m in it along with a lot of other local artists, and there will be food and refreshments served.  Also on the 22nd, in the 22.28 Gallery is a very special exhibit memorial to Chester County Art’s wonderfully inspiring teacher Mary Beaumont. Mary was my first teacher at CCAA, and she was the one to encourage me to show in my first very art show, and paint my first tree painting. In her thirty years of teaching, I wonder how many other students that she inspired and encouraged?  This exhibit is a loving tribute to her memory, and a testament to the important ongoing work of the Chester County Art Association.

Lele Galer is an artist who has chaired numerous art shows, taught art history and studio art, public art and has chaired, written and taught the Art in Action Art Appreciation series for the UCFD schools for the past 12 years. She worked at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and wrote for the Asociated Press in Rome.  She has been dedicated to Art History and art education for most of her adult life. Lele and her husband Brad own Galer Estate Winery in Kennett Square.

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