E. Marlborough police warn of mail, package thefts

EAST MARLBOROUGH — Township police are warning residents about a series of thefts from mailboxes and from front porches after dark — grinches apparently happy to ruin the holidays for local residents.

Township police Lt. Robert Clarke issued the warning Friday, noting “during the past week there have been numerous thefts of mail from residential mailboxes,” he said in a statement.

“The thieves are looking for holiday cards that have money or gift cards inside as well as prescription medicine,” Clarke said. “The mail thefts have been occurring while it is dark during the night time/overnight hours. If you suspect theft or tampering with your mail file a report with the United States Postal Inspector at 1-877-876-2455.”

In addition to hitting roadside mailboxes, thieves also have stolen items left by the Postal Service, UPS or FedEx on front porches and near homes.

Police say, at this time, there is no information on who might be behind the thefts, but are warning residents to be onguard — and to keep an eye out in their neighborhoods and to immediately call police if they see something suspicious — and to write down any information, such as car descriptions, license plate numbers and other potentially identifying information.

“Neighbors; watch out for one another, be on the lookout and vigilant in your development / neighborhood or areas where you live,” Clarke said. “If you see a suspicious person or vehicle in your neighborhood or you see or hear something suspicious call 911 and let the police investigate.”

Another issue, Clarke said, is theft of tips — gift cards in particular — left for postal and sanitation workers.

“Every year we get numerous reports of thieves who steal cards with money in them that were left out for sanitation workers and mail persons,” he said. “Know when your trash gets picked up and mail gets delivered. Personally deliver the cards or have a neighbor who will be home give them out.”

Clarke said any township residents with questions or concerns should feel free to contact him by phone at 610-444-5075 or email at rclarke@eastmarlborough.org

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One Comment

  1. steve says:

    For sanitation workers, call your company. They will give you the name(s) of who is on your route. You can then send a card or money envelope to the company (with the worker’s name on it), and they will hand it personally to the worker. No worries