Op/Ed: Bob Casey stands shoulder to shoulder with veterans

By Dave McLimans, Special To The Times
Dave McLimans
I’d been in the Army for two years by the time I arrived in Vietnam, but neither my training nor the stories of other soldiers prepared me for the devastation I encountered there.
Just as chilling as the bombed-out buildings and exhausted troops were the huge swaths of jungle reduced to ghostly lunar landscapes by Agent Orange.
My United Steelworkers...
County announces Operation Green Light to recognize veterans

The Chester County Commissioners and Chester County Department of Veterans Affairs announce their support for Operation Green Light. This nationwide initiative recognizes the important contributions of veterans from November 6-12.
For Operation Green Light, the County will present a Commissioners’ proclamation and illuminate the façade of the Chester County Historic Courthouse in green. Additionally,...
Houlahan invites community to participate in 2nd Valentines for Vets event

Rep. Chrissy Houlahan distributes valentines at the Coatesville VA Medical Center, 2021.
After a successful inaugural card drive last year, Representative Chrissy Houlahan (D-PA) announced the return of her office’s Valentines for Veterans project today. Houlahan is inviting students and community members to participate in the project by making cards for area veterans, thanking them for their service.
Coatesville VA offering COVID vaccine to all enrolled veterans

Debora Brooks-Wilson receives her first dose of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccination at Coatesville VA Medical Center on March 25, 2021 after receiving a text message last week offering her the opportunity to schedule an appointment.
CALN — Coatesville VA Medical Center (VAMC) began offering the COVID-19 vaccine to all enrolled Veterans on Thursday.
The decision to open vaccinations to all enrolled Veterans...
Houlahan asks for ‘Valentines for Veterans’

WEST CHESTER – U.S. Rep. Chrissy Houlahan (D-6) — Chester County’s representative in the U.S. House, is inviting students and residents in the region to participate in the Valentines for Veterans project by making cards for area veterans, thanking them for their service.
“Especially during this pandemic, we’ve seen extraordinary acts of kindness in the Pennsylvania Sixth,” said...
DCCC finds virtual way to honor soldiers, vets, during COVID-19 pandemic

At the Veterans Center are from left: U.S. Army veteran Darren Lipscomb, Director of Outreach, Recruitment and Enrollment Services; students Petula Darnley and Alexander Eatman; U.S. Military student veterans Nicholas Stanicia and Robert Saugling; and Mitchell Murtha, Vice President, Recruitment and Enrollment Management.
Delaware County Community College is committed to helping active duty soldiers,...
Vet finds path to new, better life after treatment at Coatesville VA

Anthony Brown
COATESVILLE — Anthony Brown, a 61-year-old double amputee-Veteran, prepares for his departure to live out in the community after two years of care and treatment at the Coatesville VA Medical Center.
Brown arrived at Coatesville in early 2018 to begin treatment and recovery after losing both of his feet to frostbite while he was homeless and living in an abandoned house during December...
Glove drive helps local veterans

The first photo with gifts of winter gloves for homeless veterans includes Nathan Four, Director of Residential Services at the Veterans Multi-Service Center; Robert Rogers, Case Manager at the Veterans Multi-Service Center; Rick Loughery, Chester County Recorder of Deeds.
COATESVILLE — More than 125 veterans residing at the LZ II and Mary E. Walker House on the grounds of the Coatesville Veterans...
DNB makes donation to support local veterans

From left to right: James T. Amato, LSW Secretary, Catholic Human Services Archdiocese of Philadelphia; Vince Liuzzi, Chief Banking Officer, DNB First; Vernon Fountain, US Army Veteran; Geoffrey Hurnyak, USN Ret. Program Manager, Veterans Multi Service Center; Amy Stoner, Director of Catholic Social Services, Archdiocese of Philadelphia; Ed Lis, Director of Mission Integration & Communications,...
Op/Ed: Why Donald Trump is unfit to be President