Coatesville gets $959K grant to implement Ash Park Master Plan

Ash Park. Courtesy, City of Coatesville.
The City of Coatesville will receive a grant of $959,752 to implement the Ash Park Master Plan Phases I and II. The 9.3-acre park is situated between Walnut and Kersey Streets and serves residents over a three-mile radius.
Senator Casey, partnering with Representative Chrissy Houlahan, successfully funded 14 Community Project Funding priorities through the House...
Houlahan to hold 66th town hall, Sept. 27

U.S. Rep. Chrissy Houlahan (D-6) announced the details of her 66th town hall scheduled for next Tuesday, September 27 at 5:30 p.m.— the virtual event will focus on the many ways that government offices help people – commonly called “constituent services.” Houlahan organized the event as an opportunity for residents of Chester and Berks Counties to hear more about the ways in which federal,...
Houlahan wins two Democracy Awards, first Member to win two during one term

U.S. Rep. Chrissy Houlahan (D-6)
Today, The Congressional Management Foundation (CMF) announced that Rep. Chrissy Houlahan (D-6) was a winner of two Democracy Awards—she is the first Member in history to win two categories in a single congressional term. Rep. Houlahan was selected for outstanding achievement for the category of “Constituent Service” and “Life in Congress”- Workplace...
White House, Wolf and Houlahan celebrate federal investments in Coatesville

From left; Mitch Landrien, White House Senior Advisor & Infrastructure Coordinator; U.S. Rep. Chrissy Houlahan; Gov. Tom Wolf; and State Rep. Dan Williams talk together during a press conference to celebrate federal investments in Pennsylvania thanks to the Biden Infrastructure Law, at a construction site slated for a new Amtrak station in Coatesville on Wednesday, August 24, 2022. Infrastructure...
Houlahan advances funding for 15 community projects through US House Appropriations Comm.

Houlahan meets with one recipient of last year’s Community Project Funding – United Community Services for Working Families (UCSWF) in Reading.
Representative Chrissy Houlahan (D-PA) successfully advanced 15 project priorities, totaling $10,404,544 in Community Project Funding, through the House Appropriations Committee; these projects will directly benefit Chester and Berks County residents. On...
Houlahan hosts SBA Admin for roundtable, high-tech tour

L to R: Co-Founder of nth Solutions Susan Springsteen; Administrator Guzman, Rep. Chrissy Houlahan; and Rep. Dan Williams tour additional space in Innovation Hub
COATESVILLE – Last week, Representative Chrissy Houlahan (D-PA) hosted Small Business Administration (SBA) Administrator Isabella Casillas Guzman in Coatesville for back-to-back events: a roundtable discussion with Chamber and business...
Rep. Houlahan hosts U.S. Commerce Secretary on high-tech tour, roundtable in Malvern

L to R: David Valletta, Vishay Executive Vice President – Worldwide Sales; Gina Raimondo, U.S. Secretary of Commerce; and Chrissy Houlahan, U.S. Representative of PA-06 viewing Vishay’s product display cases
Yesterday, Representative Chrissy Houlahan (D-6) hosted U.S. Secretary of Commerce, Gina Raimondo, and business, government, and student representatives from Chester County for a tour and roundtable...
HS artists show their skills at Congressional District Art Competition

2022 Congresswoman Houlahan’s Congressional Art Show Winners (pictured from left to right): Congresswoman Chrissy Houlahan; third place – Leah Nicberte, West Chester Henderson High School; second place – Jia Lin, Conestoga High School andfirst place – Shurti Bedekar, West Chester Henderson High School.
More than 300 high school students across Chester County and beyond displayed their artwork...
Houlahan promotes Medicare Open Enrollment in Phoneixville

Rep. Houlahan holds roundtable with Phoenixville Area Senior Center and PA MEDI representatives.
On Monday, U.S. Rep. Chrissy Houlahan (D-6) held a roundtable discussion with members of the Phoenixville Area Senior Center (PASC) and Pennsylvania Medicare Education and Decision Insight (PA MEDI) to answer Medicare questions and continue her efforts encouraging area seniors to take advantage of the open...
Sikorsky to close Coatesville helicopter plant, 240 jobs to be lost

Lockheed Martin announced Thursday that it would close the Sikorsky helicopter plant in the Coatesville area — near Chester County Airport in Valley — with the loss of some 240 local jobs.
Not surprisingly, many of the elected officials who brokered a deal to keep the plant open in 2019 expressed anger and frustration at the decision — including U.S. Rep. Chrissy Houlahan (D-6), who fought to...