Fathers’ Day is twice as nice for pair of E. Brandywine Firefighters

East Brandywine Chief Vincent D’Amico and Firefighter/EMT Eddie Ranck each recently became the fathers of twins.
EAST BRANDYWINE — This Father’s Day the Chester County Fire Chief’s Association is highlighting fathers who volunteer at area firehouses. Surprisingly, two fathers who volunteer at the East Brandywine Fire Company have welcomed two sets of twins making Chief Vincent D’Amico a...
Twins charged in Chesco/Lancaster bombing spree

Alleged to have built IEDs, blown up sheds in Dec., 2015
Daniel Tate
Twin brothers from Cochranville are facing charges that they spent their holiday break from college a bit differently than most students: engaging in a bombing spree in Western Chester County and in eastern Lancaster County, following a joint investigation by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, State Police and...