Letter: Silent conservatives need to speak out or death of democracy will be on you

To The Editor: This is not about Donald Trump.  It’s not even about the sad souls seduced by him.  The insurrectionists who stormed the Capital to prevent the peaceful transfer of power were primarily guilty of being gullible.  They fell for the big fraud.  They did not do the defrauding.  Many have been held accountable for their actions.  Most of the ones who fooled them have not.  Yet. I...

Don’t waste your time engaging with Trump supporters; take ’em on at the polls

By Rich Heiland, Columnist, The Times After Donald Trump’s latest horrific, anti-democracy, insulting comments, anyone who still supports him is not worth engaging with… But, they are worth taking on at the polls. Trump and his followers have removed any doubt about who they are and what they want, and it’s not a democratic republic. Far from it. WE LIVE IN a time when up is down; the sun rises...

After the crisis passes, things will change in America

By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times Obviously, the single most important thing with the current COVID-19 crisis is keeping you and your family safe. We’re reached the point where the virus is impacting everyone, whether it means your business, your kids in school (my son attends Temple, which will close its dorms next Saturday — and we’re awaiting updates on my daughter at Nevada-Reno, which has...

Trump’s new move on Cuba is idiotic

By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times Havana, Cuba, 2018 near El Malecon John Bolton is full of crap. And his boss, Donald J. Trump, is in the words of a friend of a friend on Facebook, is a “DoucheCanoe.” This week, the Trump Administration announced that the U.S. government would again tighten and restrict commercial and travel to Cuba. Bolton, a hard-line lunatic who helped get us into pointless...

Trump tax plan is a much-needed relief

To The Editor, I live within my means. I have a small family with 2 kids, a wonderful husband, and a lovely house. I am employed by a non-profit in Coatesville, PA, a city that I have grown to love. My family rarely goes on vacation, but instead we enjoy each other’s company and make do with the things that we have been blessed with.    Send article as PDF    ...

The crossroads of hate and politics

By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times In this very special edition of Politics As Unusual — a few days early to allow for copious time sitting by the pool and ingesting adult beverages — we’re going to take a look at how politics drives behavior (and the other way around), bad endorsements, chaos, dirty money and more! First, if you’ve been on the Web, watched TV or been exposed to virtually any...

Letter: Trump message – it’s OK to be a bully

To the Editor, As this election season mercifully winds up, it was interesting to hear Melania Trump speak Nov. 3 in Berwyn.  Part of her message was about empowering children and women, and working to prevent put downs and bullying-an admirable goal.  The irony is that her husband is a textbook case of acting like a bully.  His overreaction to any criticism brings out the worst in him, and...

Chester County: all quiet on the presidential front

Clinton, Trump have fairly low profile, but likely for differing reasons By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times While the usual (or usually unusual) back and forth of local congressional and state legislative races has kicked into what I lovingly call “red mist” mode (a state of hyper intense political engagement that lowers IQ about 25 points and drops discourse to that fourth grade lunch room taunts),...