County to take over operation of Rover transit service

From April 1, 2023, responsibility for the majority of paratransit services currently provided by Rover in Chester County will transition to a County-run operation, overseen by the Chester County Department of Human Services.
The Rover community transportation service was introduced in 1984 to offer diversified transportation for Chester County residents, especially those who cannot drive or have no...
KCSD OKs new transportation software system

District gets head start on hiring for 2016-17 school year
By Kelly O’Hara, Staff Writer, The Times
Dr. Michael Barber, Assistant Superintendent for the Kennett Consolidated School District talks about new hires during his Personnel report to the board of education, Monday.
KENNETT SQUARE — The Kennett Consolidated School District Board of Education voted Monday to approve a new Transportation...
County publishes transport handbook

WEST CHESTER — The Chester County Commissioners and Chester County Planning Commission (CCPC) unveiled this week the county’s new comprehensive guide on the implementation of multi-modal transportation facilities.
The Multi-Modal Handbook has been created to provide municipal officials, planners, traffic consultants, designers, land owners and developers with a consolidated reference guide on how...
CCCBI honors PA Sen. John Rafferty

12th annual ‘Salute to Leadership’ award
By Kim Chiomento, Staff Writer, The Times
(Pictured L-R) CCCBI President & CEO – Guy Ciarrocchi, Pennsylvania State Senator – John Rafferty, CCCBI V.P. – Marianne Martelli & CCCBI Chairman – Joel Frank.
NEW YORK — The Chester County Chamber of Business and Industry (CCCBI) honored Pennsylvania State Senator, John...
UCF bond refi, food/transport restructuring could save $

Taxpayers could see as much as $160,000 in net savings
By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times
EAST MARLBOROUGH — Sometimes, it’s a lot of small changes that add up.
While there were few earth-shattering matters on the docket for Monday night’s Unionville-Chadds Ford Board of Education work session, it appears a few smaller moves will be made to save the district — and taxpayers — a healthy chunk...
Op-Ed: Addressing region’s transportation needs a necessity