State, local officials remind everyone to wear a mask

On Tuesday, state and federal officials — including Chester County legislator — joined Gov. Tom Wolf in reminding Pennsylvanians to wear a mask to reduce the likelihood of spreading COVID-19.
“As we increasingly resume public activities in our commonwealth, we need to remain vigilant about taking precautions, especially wearing a mask that covers our noses and mouths while around other people,”...
COVID-19 Update, May 29: Shusterman pushes for hair salons to reopen in Yellow Status; Wolf signs budget

By Mike McGann, Editor, the Times @mikemcgannpa
As parts of the state move to Green status and eight more counties move to Yellow — with Chester County just one week from moving into Yellow — a local State Rep. is asking Gov. Tom Wolf to reconsider his limit on hair salons in areas with a Yellow status.
As of right now, only areas in Green status are permitted to have barbers and hair salons open...