Unionville’s All-State runner McIntyre set to blaze new path at St. Joseph’s U

Ethan McIntyreUnionville High School Track and X-Country runner Ethan McIntyre has been awarded a full four-year scholarship (athletic and academic) to attend Saint Joseph’s University this fall.
McIntyre won the Ches-Mont League Championship in the 1600m (mile) this past Saturday and will represent Unionville at the District One Championship meet this month.
With finance as his major,...
St. Joe’s, DCCC enhance dual admission agreement

Seeking to provide students with more affordable opportunities to earn a baccalaureate degree, Delaware County Community College and Saint Joseph’s University have enhanced their four-year-old dual admission partnership agreement for students. The new agreement provides significantly more merit scholarships, as well as more course options for students who are interested in seamlessly transferring...