After a tough spring, Democrats look like they have momentum on this Labor Day

By Mike McGann, Editor, the Times @mikemcgannpa
Happy Labor Day! (Well, tomorrow, actually).
As we political junkies know, Labor Day is the traditional start of the political season, so it is always with some excitement when the first ridiculous claim of the campaign season is thrown out.
Back in May and April, when it looked like the sky was falling on Democrats and President Joe Biden, I suggested...
County judge removes 5 from WCASD board over masking policy

By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times @mikemcgannpa
The original petition filed in the West Chester Area School District case.
A Chester County judge moved Tuesday to remove five members of the West Chester Area School District Board of Education on what he termed a procedural issue — saying that neither the school board members or school district responded in a timely manner to a petition seeking the...
Make a resolution to improve your media literacy

By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times @mikemcgannpa
New year, same old….well, a lot of stuff.
We’ve been getting our butts kicked by a virus for going on two years, half the country thinks the other half are corrupt liars and we’re wandering our way toward a time when we won’t even agree whether the sky is blue and if grass is green.
Granted, a lot of stuff is not quickly or easily fixable. But...
Not both sides: one party needs to up its game, the other is likely terminally broken

By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times @mikemcgannpa
I’m sure by now you are tired of breathless media takes on what the 2021 elections mean and will mean for 2022. The truth is, though, that both parties in Chester County have issues — granted, one much, much more drastic than the other — and a lot of atmospheric issues (the economy, COVID) will probably drive results more than anything.
While the...
Letter: Politicization of school boards should concern everyone

To The Editor,
The rapid politicization of school boards should be of concern to all stakeholders. There are good and valid reasons that school board members should adopt a non-partisan stance in their duties. The only agenda a school board candidate should have is the continued educational progress of our students, the continued prudent use of taxpayer money and community resources, and the health...
Extreme Pa. GOP mapping its own demise

By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times @mikemcgannpa
You’ve probably heard about the old story about the dog who finally caught the car — and didn’t know what to do with it.
In Pennsylvania, of late, assume legislative Republicans are the dog grabbing the rear bumper, but one who doesn’t see the reverse lights suddenly turn on.
They’ve already moved to take emergency declaration power away from...
A tale of two political parties

By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times @mikemcgannpa
With apologies to Charles Dickens, it is a tale of two political parties.
In one party, a long-serving U.S. Senator is under attack for voting his conscience — the party rejecting the idea that said senator can hold a former President responsible for sparking an insurrection at the U.S. Capitol. The local county committee draws up a resolution condemning...
Op/Ed: We are one

By Viraj Joshi, Special to The Times
Viraj Joshi
Four years ago, I felt great pride and joy when I saw Donald Trump taking the oath of office on the United States Capitol steps. However, as the Trump presidency went on, my support and the joy I felt when he took the oath of office slowly dwindled as the days of his presidency went on. I soon realized that Donald Trump was not just destroying Republican...
Op/Ed: When democracy dies

By Lisa Longo, Special to The Times
Lisa Longo
Democracy fails when the few are permitted to hijack the concerns of the many. When elections become referendums on personalities and political parties are used as weapons against advocates and activists.
When any party becomes a tactical weapon for special interest it loses all ability to speak for, or to, the people.
We are at a pivotal point. We see...
Gun violence is spiking because, frankly, we just don’t care