What To Do: Time to ring in 2023

By Denny Dyroff, Entertainment Editor, The Times
Kennett Mushroom Drop
New Year’s Eve is about partying – dining, drinking, welcoming the new year and…partying.
On New Year’s Eve, Kennett Square will be partying in style when the Mushroom Festival and Kennett Area Restaurant & Merchant Association are again hosting the annual Mushroom Drop.
The 10th Annual Mushroom Drop – a.k.a. “Midnight...
What To Do: Ring in the new year in style

By Denny Dyroff, Entertainment Editor, The Times
Kennett Square Mushroom Drop
New Year’s Eve is about partying – dining, drinking, welcoming the new year and…partying.
The biggest party night of the year is the highlight of the schedule for the next week. Tuesday night is December 31 – New Year’s Eve.
On New Year’s Eve, Kennett Square will be partying in style at its annual “Midnight...
What To Do: Party like it’s 2019!

By Denny Dyroff, Entertainment Editor, The Times
There are several big holidays throughout the year – each with a different vibe and primary activity.
Christmas is about giving. Thanksgiving is about eating. Valentine’s Day is about love, flowers and chocolate. Halloween is also about chocolate – and any other candy treat given to trick-or-treaters.
New Year’s Eve is about partying – dining,...
What To Do: Ring in 2018 in style!

By Denny Dyroff, Staff Writer, The Times
The biggest party night of the year is the highlight of this weekend’s schedule. Sunday night is December 31 – New Year’s Eve.
On New Year’s Eve, Kennett Square will be partying in style at its annual “Midnight in the Square” (downtown Kennett Square, midnightinthesquare.com).
Young children and their parents are invited to kick off Kennett Square’s...
What To Do: Mushroom Drop, Mummers top New Year’s Eve

And for those still looking to get their Christmas on, many local events this weekend
By Denny Dyroff, Staff Writer, The Times
Chester County’s newest — and arguably already best-known — New Years Eve celebration is the Mushroom Drop, as part of Kennett Square’s Midnight in The Square celebration.
While New York may have its crystal ball, Key West, a giant shoe, and Philadelphia has...