UHS Speech and Debate team to hold pancake fundraiser, Oct. 9

EAST MARLBOROUGH — The Unionville High School Speech and Debate Team will hold a pancake breakfast fundraiser, Sunday, Oct. 9 at the Applebee’s in Longwood.
Tickets are $7.50 for the event which runs from 8 to 10 a.m.
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UHS Football pancake fundraiser, Sept. 18

EAST MARLBOROUGH — What’s better than a steaming, hot delicious stack of pancakes on a Sunday morning? When they’re served by your favorite Unionville High School football players.
On Sunday, the Unionville High School Football Quarterback Club is holding a pancake fundraiser at the Applebees in Longwood (US-1) from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. Tickets (available at the door) are $7 ($5 for kids...
What To Do: Pancakes at Tyler Arboretum

Also: Sportscard and Outdoor shows come to area
By Denny Dyroff, Staff Writer, The Times
Tyler Arboretum holds its annual Pancake Breakfast and Maple Sugaring Celebration Sunday.
For a family event that is both fun and educational, it’s hard to top the annual Pancake Breakfast and Maple Sugaring Celebration at the Tyler Arboretum (515 Painter Road, Media, 610-566-9134, www.tylerarboretum.org).