D.A. to head regional crime-fighting committee

Tom Hogan to oversee intelligence for High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area
Chester County District Attorney Tom Hogan was tapped to chair the Intelligence Committee for the region’s High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA).
Chester County District Attorney Tom Hogan has been named chairman of the Intelligence Committee for the region’s High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA), a multi-agency...
10 charged with heroin dealing

Eight alleged to have been dealing deadly drug in southern Chester County
By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times
State, county and local police announced the arrests of 10 individuals on charges of selling heroin. From left, top: Alejandro Guzman, John Anderson, bottom, from left, William Jones and Kyle Kellner
Chester County District Attorney Tom Hogan announced Monday a series of 10 arrests this month...