OJR school district to hold community forum on start times

Owen J. Roberts (OJR) School District will host a special community forum on Thursday, Oct. 6 to discuss school start times for the 2023-2024 school year. The forum will begin at 6 p.m., inside OJR Middle School, and will include the school district’s recommendations for potential school start times, options for consideration by the public and the opportunity for community input before the OJR Board...
OJRSD board OKs new 5-year teachers’ contract

The Owen J. Roberts Board of School Directors, during its regular school board meeting held on June 20, 2022, approved a new contract with the Roberts Education Association. The current contract is due to expire on June 30, 2022; therefore, the new five-year contract will be effective July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2027.
With consideration for student success at the forefront of all efforts, both parties...
Hess named as ORJSD’s Citadel Heart of Learning finalist

Pictured left to right is Dr. Will Stout, OJRSD superintendent; Amy Hess, Citadel Heart of Learning finalist; Dr. Malinda McKillip, French Creek Elementary School principal; and Dr. Kathy Soeder, OJRSD assistant superintendent.
The Owen J. Roberts School District (OJRSD) announced Amy Hess, an elementary teacher at French Creek Elementary, as one of 15 outstanding Chester County educators and 31 Greater...