A small gift to those we love

By Nancy Plummer, Columnist, The Times
Dear Readers,
I’ve promised to keep you updated on my Ovarian Cancer journey…and I’m doing great considering this is indeed a marathon. Sadly, though, my father has cancer too, and he is not fairing as well. In fact, he must have an operation on December 9th.
For someone who has had to grapple with the idea of death just around the corner, I felt so inspired...
All About Connecting: An update on my journey

By Nancy Plummer, Columnist, The Times
My Dear Readers,
I promised to keep you up to date on my Ovarian Cancer journey, and since there’s nothing like fighting for your life that brings home the gift of all your relationships, I want to share with you an important message. The hero (or heroes) during this journey isn’t the patient; it’s the caregiver{s).
All About Connecting: My dear readers…

Use the power of love and a passion to live fearlessly
By Nancy Plummer, Columnist, The Times
When I started my company All About Connecting four years ago, my purpose was to coach about the whole human experience being shared. Life, and all its dramatic and monotonous moments; from deep despair of losing a loved one, to experiencing new passionate love, All About Connecting has been able to inspire...
Don’t Retire-ReFire: How to Keep Your Mind Sharp

By Gail Supplee Tatum, Columnist, The Times
Have you ever forgotten where you put your keys? Do you sometimes forget words or names? Do you feel like your brain is just getting duller? Have you ever felt like you have nothing to add to a conversation? Don’t panic! It’s part of the natural aging process.
However, there is growing evidence that tells us otherwise. We do possess the power and we do...
All About Connecting: Make your own luck

It’s about preparation and strategy, for the most part
By Nancy Plummer, Columnist, The Times
We’ve all been sold on the idea that successful people are just lucky. We are always complaining that we too could have been a millionaire like our brother-in law who made it big by being “lucky enough” to get in at the right time with a great start-up firm, or we could have a husband like our...
Creating a winning online profile

While pictures matter, your words do, too
By Nancy Plummer, Columnist, The Times
We all hear about the importance of having stunning, professional quality pictures for our online dating profile, but what about our written profile? As Benjamin Franklin one said, “Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing.” In other words, don’t bother writing just any profile, but instead,...
A little self care is good for you and those around you

If you don’t take care of yourself, it’s hard to care for others
By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times
Now that I have added “full time student” to my already overflowing resume (700 jobs, 2 kids and 1 husband), I have been less than pleasant to hang around with. I know this about myself. Guess what? I KNOW THIS. For the foreseeable future, there is not much hope of anything changing...
In the blame game, everyone loses

At the end of the day, only you can make yourself happy
By Nancy Plummer, Columnist, The Times
I had a client come to me, bitter, angry, and practically frothing at the mouth as she raged on about how her ex-husband had destroyed her life and the lives of her children. When I asked her how long ago they were divorced, she answered boldly, “5 years.”
All of us at some time in our lives have blamed...
Celebrating past, present and future

Appreciate that we are the sum of our experiences, but keep looking ahead
By Dr. Matthew Lapp, Columnist, The Times
Our son celebrates his first birthday this week and his mom and I decided to put together a small time capsule to commemorate some of the notable events that have occurred in his first year. It’s been a great year, and it brings us a tremendous amount of joy to watch him develop and...
I’m ‘psyched’ to make some changes in my life

It’s time for a new career — but don’t worry the column is sticking around
By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times
2015 will be a very exciting year!
I have made the decision (with the love and support of my family) to go back to school to get my Master’s degree in Psychology. Over the course of my family law career, I have been haunted by the devastating effects of divorce on...