Signs of spring: ice cream, more outdoor tables

La Michoacana reopening for season, its companion grill expanding By Kathleen Brady Shea, Managing Editor, The Times Armando Bernal (from left) takes an order as Daniel Castaneda puts toppings on a fresh fish taco that Martha Rodriguez has just prepared at Michoacana Grill. Looking for some sure signs of spring? The snow banks are decreasing in size, the clocks will spring forward on Sunday, and...

2013 Mushroom Festival gets off to rousing start

Crowd-pleasing parade is followed by dancing in street By Kathleen Brady Shea, Managing Editor, The Times Members of the championship KAU baseball team wave to the crowds during Friday night’s 2013 Mushroom Festival Parade. An hour before Friday night’s start of the 2013 Mushroom Festival Parade, crowds were already jockeying for position. By the time the floats, bands, antique cars, fire...

Borough plans royal welcome home for Kings

Officials want to celebrate KAU’s amazing run at World Series 5:30 p.m. update: Team not expected to arrive in area until 7 p.m. due to New York  traffic By Kathleen Brady Shea, Managing Editor, The Times After the World Series ended, players from various teams united for a wiffle ball game in the hotel courtyard, an impromptu outing that eventually attracted about 50 players. The Kennett Kings...

Fun-filled fungi fest to mushroom this weekend

27th Annual Mushroom Festival will feature three days of diverse events, activities Holy crimini! Mushrooms will appear en masse this weekend in Kennett Square. KENNETT SQUARE — Like the product that spawned it, the Mushroom Festival continues to grow and thrive, and the 27th version is likely to further that trend this weekend. A community parade kicks off the festivities on Friday at 6 p.m. at...

Dishing out homemade Hispanic flavors with dollop of conviviality

From fish tacos to corn ice cream,  customers warm up to Michoacana’s Mexican fare By Kathleen Brady Shea, Managing Editor, The Times Noelia Scharon, a co-owner known by some customers as Ms. Sunshine, stands behind the counter of the ice-cream store with her son, Andres, who is one of nearly 20 workers at the two businesses. A Kennett Square entrepreneur remembers the day more than 10 years...