On Stage (Extra): Lawrence offers two shows in one

By Denny Dyroff, Staff Writer, The Times
There once was a series of commercials for Certs mints that features this slogan — “It’s a breath mint…. it’s a candy mint…. It’s two, two, two mints in one!”
A take-off on that slogan could be used for shows on April 1 at the Broadway Theater of Pitman (43 South Broadway, Pitman, New Jersey,www.thebroadwaytheatre.org, 856-384-8381) —...
Art Watch: From Clayworks to Monty Python, all in one week

By Lele Galer, Columnist, The Times
The major art event of the week is happening this Saturday April 1st at the Wayne Art Center with an opening event for two major ceramic shows. The Wayne Art Center, located at 413 Maplewood Avenue in Wayne Pennsylvania, hosts “Ceramic Innovations” with 60+ ceramic artists selected by artist Chris Gustin, as well as “Essential Earth” which...
What To Do: Kennett Symphony’s annual Children’s concert

By Denny Dyroff, Staff Writer, The Times
Children of all ages can benefit from being introduced to the joy of listening to classical music. The Kennett Symphony of Chester County (610-444-6363, www.kennettsymphony.org) supports this premise by presenting its “Annual Children’s Concert & Post-Concert Instrument Zoo” every spring to give young children exposure to live classical music.
What To Do: Christmas bursts out all over

Music, parades kick off Chester County holiday celebrations
By Denny Dyroff, Staff Writer, The Times
One of the area’s most eagerly-anticipated holiday attractions is scheduled for this weekend. On December 3, the Kennett Symphony of Chester County will perform “Pops Goes the Holiday” at 7:30 p.m. at Unionville High School (750 Unionville Rd, Kennett Square, 610-444-6363, http://www.kennettsymphony.org).
What To Do: Hagley Craft Fair is back

By Denny Dyroff, Staff Writer, The Times
The 38th annual Hagley Craft Fair is this weekend.
The Hagley Craft Fair is known for being one of the oldest and best annual craft events in the Brandywine Valley. Celebrating its 38th anniversary this year, the event will be held October 15 and 16 at Hagley Museum and Library (Buck Road East entrance via Route 100, Wilmington, Delaware, 302-658-2400, www.hagley.org).
What To Do: Kennett Symphony Childrens’ concert

Also: Chadds Ford Art Show; Sound of Music in Philly
By Denny Dyroff, Staff Writer, The Times
Children are never too young to be introduced to the joy of listening to classical music. The Kennett Symphony of Chester County (610-444-6363, www.kennettsymphony.org) helps the cause by presenting its “Annual Children’s Concert & Post-Concert Instrument Zoo” every year to give young children...
What To Do: Pops Goes The Holiday

Also: West Chester Christmas Parade and more get holiday season going
By Denny Dyroff, Staff Writer, The Times
The Kennett Symphony has just the thing to get you into the holiday mood, it annual holiday concert at Unionville High School, Dec. 5.
While many of the holiday attractions are treats for the eyes and the taste buds, there is an ongoing holiday tradition in Kennett Square that is a treat...
What To Do: Get back to nature with Meadow Days

Plus: live music, helicopters, festivals and even more on busy summer schedule
By Denny Dyroff, Staff Writer, The Times
Meadow Days at Longwood Gardens offers more than three miles of walking trails, during three weekend programs, starting this weekend.
One of the top summertime attractions in the Brandywine Valley is the annual “Fireworks and Fountains” events at Longwood Gardens (US-1, Kennett...
Opera without words Longwood, Aug. 15

Nicole Ozdowski is a featured flautist in the Kennett Symphony’s Opera Without Words.
The Kennett Symphony of Chester County presents Opera Without Words, under the direction of Music Director, Michael Hall, Saturday, August 15, 7:00pm (rain date Saturday, August 16, 7pm). The concert features melodies from well-known operas. Orchestral music is so essential to opera that it is often featured...
What To Do: Holiday happenings hit high gear

From horse carriage rides, to shows and more, the holidays take center stage
By Denny Dyroff, Staff Writer, The Times
Kennett Symphony of Chester County will perform “Pops Goes the Holiday” at 7:30 p.m. at Kennett High School, Dec. 6.
The holiday season has officially arrived in Kennett Square. On December 6, the Kennett Symphony of Chester County will perform “Pops Goes the Holiday” at 7:30...