Indian Hannah earns new high-visibility venue

Monument re-dedicated at location outside Longwood Gardens
By Kathleen Brady Shea, Managing Editor, The Times
Paul B. Redman, director of Longwood Gardens, explains what led to the relocation and rededication of the Indian Hannah monument.
With a reverence for the past and an eye to the future, state and local officials gathered at the entrance to Longwood Gardens on Thursday, May 15, to re-dedicate...
Artist brings history alive for painting series

Reenactors create authentic tableaus, using Marshallton and Newlin as backdrops
By Kathleen Brady Shea, Managing Editor, The Times
Sarah Papenhausen (top left) and Mark Slouf help Adrian Martinez reattach his Indian hairpiece.
The process proved painstaking: A Downingtown artist shaved his head and mustache, donned handcrafted American Indian garb, and then attempted to reattach some hair – a...
Want to buy Indian grave, state-hospital buildings?

State offering 225-acre Embreeville complex ‘as is’ for minimum bid of $950,000
By Kathleen Brady Shea, Managing Editor, The Times
With numerous buildings and 225 acres of land, the old site of the Embreeville State Hospital is up for bid — with bids opening at $950,000.
If you have at least $950,000, the state has a deal: a 225-acre tract nestled in pastoral West Bradford and Newlin...
Students questioning mascot should learn their history