Wolf: Chesco to go Green, June 26

Updated, 1:20 p.m., adds Wolf comments, Levine comments
By Mike McGann, Editor, the Times @mikemcgannpa
One more week to go.
Gov. Tom Wolf announced Friday that Chester County would be among the next counties in the state to move to Green Status on June 26 — meaning pretty much all businesses will be able to reopen — as Pennsylvania slowly reopens from locking down to fight the deadly COVID-19...
COVID-19 Update, May 22: All of Pa. to go ‘Yellow’ June 5; 17 counties go ‘Green’ on May 29

By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times @mikemcgannpa
Gov. Tom Wolf announced Friday afternoon that the entire state of Pennsylvania would move out of lockdown into Yellow status, effective June 5, with eight counties moving to Yellow and 17 additional counties moving to the fully open Green status on May 29.
“We know not only that we succeeded in slowing case growth, but that our actions, our collective...
Longwood Gardens dedicates new solar field

Innovative topography and design for system expected to generate 3KW by 2018
Longwood Gardens' new solar field is expected to generate some 1.5 KW of power by year's end, doubling by 2018.
By Mike McGann, Editor, UnionvilleTimes.com
KENNETT — No one has ever accused Longwood Gardens of not being green. But sometimes, having acres and acres of lush plant life isn’t enough — and for Longwood,...