And…right back into campaign season

No rest for the weary, as Election 2014 kicks into high gear, already By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times Now that we’ve gotten that pesky election out of the way, it’s time for the campaign to get started. Think I’m kidding? Then why is Gov. Tom Corbett in the county today, kicking off his 2014 campaign? And why has the jostling for state legislative and congressional seats already begun? Traditionally,...

Is there hope for a pension fix in the legislature?

New proposal could form framework for at least a partial fix By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times Is it possible that a small glimmer of hope toward finding a real, workable solution to public pension mess is inching forward in the state legislature? As you’re probably aware, spiking contributions to state worker and teachers’ pension funds have hamstrung the state and local school districts,...

Keystone Exams come under fire at hearing

Dinniman, school officials say exams are unfair, and an ‘unfunded mandate’ on schools By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times TREDYFFRIN — Although the new Pennsylvania Common Core curriculum appears to be here to stay, one key element of the plan, the requirement of high school seniors to pass Keystone Exams in Algebra, Biology and Literature in order to graduate starting in 2017 are increasingly...

Don’t write Corbett off just yet

Despite doomsayers — and the work of local GOP legislators — Gov. may just have second act By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times Undoubtedly, you’ve seen the headlines (unless of course, you’re a sensible person and have spent the last broiling week or so somewhere with beaches, cool (relatively speaking) breezes and chilled beverages) that Gov. Tom Corbett is likely doomed, will be pushed out...

In Harrisburg, seven big days ahead

Corbett’s legacy and whether your state legislator will have a lot of explaining to do By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times By all accounts, it’s going to be a busy week in Harrisburg — as the state legislature has just a week to get a lot of work done. Of course, the question is what will get done? And how much Republican-on-Republican political violence will be involved? Going into this year’s...

Ross takes lead on Corbett’s pension bill

Chester County Republican is lead sponsor on bill that proposes major changes for new state employees, teachers By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times State Representative Chris Ross (R-158). Pension reform took front and center in a press conference featuring local State Representative Chris Ross (R-158) and Gov. Tom Corbett in Harrisburg, Tuesday. Ross, the Chester County Republican, is leading the fight...

Unionville schools, teachers reach contract deal

Both sides must ratify new pact, after ‘quiet’ talks net two-year deal UPDATED, 11:07 a.m.: Corrects detail on negotiation representation. By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times EAST MARLBOROUGH — The Unionville-Chadds Ford School District and its teachers union have reached tentative agreement Monday on a two-year contract, potentially avoiding a repeat of the contentious 2010-11 wrangling...

Cawley defends Corbett record at Chamber luncheon

Lt. Gov., chair of Public Utilities Commission talk economic development benefits of Marcellus Shale Lt. Gov. Jim Cawley (left) and Chair of the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission and questions following remarks at Wednesday’s Southern Chester County Chamber of Commerce Annual Spring Luncheon. Photo credit: Amy Tucker Photography. By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times NEW GARDEN — Offering...

Politicians, just like everyone else, don’t fit easily in one category

In our ‘Us Versus Them’ environment, it’s too easy to miss the human element By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times Politicians, despite reports to the contrary, are human beings. With all of the invective being thrown around, it can be easy to forget, of course. As humans, we like to put things and people into boxes. But people being people, they are always more complicated. A couple...

Now that the 2013 election is over…

Is the past prologue for the 2013 county-wide elections? Sadly, it appears so By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times Well, that was a short campaign season. For all intents and purposes — maybe with one exception in the judicial races — your Chester County elections were pretty much settled this week. The Democrats endorsed their candidates, the Republicans endorsed theirs. Math will tell the rest of...