WC East wins county Academic Competition

The academic competition team from West Chester East High School takes home the championship trophy. Picture from left to right: Eliot Rufe, Dr. Brent Jones, RuiQi He, Owen Lyons, Nathan Schlamb, Alex Chen, Brian Schiele, Luke Eynon and Ethan Altshul.
On Monday, West Chester East High School emerged victorious over 23 other Chester County schools at the Chester County Academic Competition, which is...
Franklin Mint Credit Union celebrates opening new site for Longwood branch

(L to R) Deborah Kinsey, FMFCU MRA; PA State Representative Christina Sappey; Michael Magnavita FMFCU President & CEO; Christine Gordon, Merrill Lynch Wealth Management; Doug Doerfler, SPHR, SCCCC Chairman (WSFS Bank); Leon R. Spencer, Jr., FMFCU Chairman of the Board; Nicholas Martucci, FMFCU Branch Manager; Cheryl B. Kuhn, IOM President & CEO, Southern Chester County Chamber of Commerce; ...