There’s a lot of BUZZ about the Unionville Community Fair!

88th Annual fair kicks off this weekend, fun for the entire family; beekeepers just one of many new attractions
A Unionville Elementary School student gets to know a chick a little better during the 2011 Unionville Fair. This year’s fair kicks off Friday and promises to be bigger, better and even more exciting than ever.
EAST MARLBOROUGH — Looking for great family fun this weekend – something...
Rodeo new feature at Unionville Fair

Willowdale Pro Rodeo just one of many fun events for 87th Fair
The Willowdale Pro Rodeo is the biggest new event planned for the 2011 Unionville Fair.
After reaching the ripe old age of 87, most would be challenged to find something new and exciting; something to stimulate the senses and get those old juices flowing. But year after year, the organizers of the Unionville Community Fair and Farm Show...