GOP Congressman laud tax bill, Democrats decry ‘gift’ for wealthy, donors

The U.S. Senate last night passed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act — a sweeping revision of U.S. Tax code, that depending on who is talking is either a spark for job and wage growth or a massive, deficit busting giveaway to the rich, political donors and corporate America.
The House voted Tuesday to approve the package, but will have to revote Wednesday because of three provisions in the original bill that...
Op/Ed: An irresponsible budget

By Kathi Cozzone, Chester County Commissioner
Chester County Commissioner Kathi Cozzone
I worked in the private sector at large and small companies, in various financial management roles, for about two decades before becoming a Chester County Commissioner. During the Corbett administration, I have watched from afar as legislators and the Governor concocted one bad budget after another. Previous...
Residents push Pitts over ‘Fiscal Cliff’ vote

Largely collegial event features satirical carols, detailed talk about spending and taxes at Congressman’s district office
By Mike McGann, Editor, The Times
Local residents gather to sing satirical Christmas carols and talk spending and taxes in the district office of U.S. Rep. Joe Pitts in Unionville, Monday evening. The local group, organized in part by and the Kennett Area Democrats,...