On Stage (Extra): Caravan Palace manages to combine EDM with Swing

By Denny Dyroff, Staff Writer, The Times
Caravan Palace
In recent years, there have been blends of things that seem unlikely in concept but work out well in reality. One example is the coming together of Philadelphia food and oriental cuisine – the highly-popular cheesesteak egg roll.
In the world of popular music, the combination of modern electronic music and traditional swing music seems like...
On Stage (Extra): Terry, Trivium top busy local music schedule

Heavier than usual performance schedule tabbed for this weekend
By Denny Dyroff, Staff Writer, The Times
Jesse Terry tops a lengthy list of live music acts hitting the stage locally Saturday night.
There is a pretty heavy live music schedule for this area for May 21 and it ranges from light to heavy. Jesse Terry is the lightest — and earliest — while Trivium is the heaviest — and...