Pink 50 Poker Prance returns for sixth year

New for 2015, handcrafted “Pink” horseshoes to purchase in memory or support of a loved one, or to just help this important cause.
Now in its sixth year, the Pink 50 Poker Prance has become a favorite fall event for many customers and friends of Oxford Feed & Lumber. The trail ride, this year on Sunday, October 11, through beautiful Fair Hill benefits breast cancer awareness and research. All...
Unionville couple goes big and pink in fight against breast cancer

Charley Gaebel’s attention-getting approach — a giant pink dump truck — is intended to inspire others
By Kim Chiomento, Staff Writer, The Times
Now cancer free, Unionville’s Denise Gaebel stands in front of her husband’s new pink dump truck — one he colored pink as a tribute to his wife’s brave battle against the disease.
EAST MARLBOROUGH — In March 2007, when Charley &...