Posts Tagged "bond rating"
County Commissioners OK new bonds, Aaa rating affirmed
Nov 13th, 2014 · 1 Comment

WEST CHESTER — The Chester County Commissioners approved a bond issue to refinance debt and fund the county’s five-year Capital Investment Program, including a new emergency voice radio system.
The refinancing portion of the issuance will result in a projected savings of more than $4 million.
In his presentation to the Commissioners at their recent Sunshine Meeting, Gordon Walker, Managing Director...
Chester County top bond ratings remain stable
Nov 17th, 2011 · Comments Off on Chester County top bond ratings remain stable

WEST CHESTER — The Chester County Commissioners announced today that the county has retained AAA bond ratings from Standard & Poor’s, Fitch Ratings and an Aaa rating from Moody’s Investors Service — all of which represent the highest possible credit rating from the respective agencies.
“Retaining our AAA ratings from the three top bond rating agencies is great news for Chester County,...