Becoming The Best U: Advice on love and dating

By Nancy Plummer, Columnist, The Times Question: I’m a widow finally ready to date but I’ve never tried online dating and am not sure of the modern expectations. My question is, who pays for the first date? Abbey – Wayne, PA   Dear Abbey, I am so sorry for your loss. It takes immense strength to navigate widowhood and to put yourself out there again. I am very happy for you! This is a great,...

Advice on love, life and surviving Valentine’s Day

By Nancy Plummer, Columnist, The Times Dear Nancy, I’m a widow of five years and finally feel ready to date. My friends put me on a dating app and I realized quickly it’s not for me. Last weekend a few friends and I went skiing nearby and I met this really nice man. We talked in the ski lodge for over two hours and bought me a drink. He wasn’t wearing a ring and my friends felt he was really...

Becoming the Best U : Fining summertime memories

By Nancy Plummer, Columnist, The Times Question: Summer is my favorite season and yet I never seem to make the most of it. I feel like every year I turn around and it’s September and I’ve done nothing exciting or memorable. Any advice to make this summer a great one?  Rochelle – Philadelphia Answer: I understand Rochelle. I think most of us would say they let summer slip away. In the blink...

Becoming the Best U: Your questions about Mothers’ Day

By Nancy Plummer, Columnist, The Times Question: Mother’s Day is coming up and I need advice. My daughter, who lives nearby, just had her second child and I have no idea how to help her celebrate this wonderful holiday. My daughter isn’t one for chocolate or flowers. Any ideas? Sue – Philadelphia Answer: I agree with you, Sue, Mother’s Day is a wonderful holiday and its origin is based in Philadelphia!...

Becoming the Best U: Advice on spring cleaning, letting go of guilt

By Nancy Plummer, Columnist, The Times Question:  I decided to try writing a few New Year’s goals after my sister’s suggestion. Last November I broke up with my boyfriend of four years and every room in the house is a horrible reminder of him.  I also want to clean out the clutter in my house. I don’t know how to begin. My sister read your column and told me to write you for some advice.  Jocelyn,...

Becoming the Best U: Tips on navigating Valentine’s Day

By Nancy Plummer, Columnist, The Times Question: I’ve been dating this girl, and although I really like her, I don’t have the budget to take her out to a fancy restaurant for Valentine’s Day. Do you have any inexpensive ideas to let her know I care? Jim – Exton Answer: Good for you to not be pressured into spending money you don’t have at a fancy restaurant on Valentine’s Day! You’re...

Becoming the Best U: Christmas stress and finding a new normal

By Nancy Plummer, Columnist, The Times Question: Christmas is my least favorite holiday. My parents are divorced and both got remarried. My sister spends Christmas with her husband’s family. Me, I just want to get through the day. I hate the drama the comes with it all. Is it terrible if I just stay home and ignore the day? Jane – Berwyn Answer: You’re not alone. Although many people say...

Becoming the Best U: Advice on exercise, gifts and self care

By Nancy Plummer, Columnist, The Times Question: I stopped exercising during Covid, and I want to get back into shape, but don’t know where to begin. Do you have any suggestions? Dana – West Chester Answer: I always tell my clients who are getting back into exercising to turn it into a social experience, so they look forward to it. Depending on your budget, physical limitations, and time allowance,...

Becoming the Best U

Editor’s Note: Nancy Plummer was a columnist for us some years back on personal development, but due to health issues was forced to take a sabbatical. We are delighted to announce her return on a monthly basis with a new format. By Nancy Plummer, Columnist, The Times Question:  About a year ago, when I had a routine appointment at my primary doctor’s office, I noticed the staff and doctor...

Some motherly advice for Mother’s Day

By Kelly Hockenberry, Columnist, The Times Every once in awhile I like to pose questions on my Facebook page to entice my friends to (essentially) write my article for me. Listen, I’ll cop to it. My brain is old and crowded and sometimes it’s hard to be creative on a weekly basis. Give a girl a break…especially since it’s Mother’s Day. So, I asked “OK gals and guys, what is the best...