Kennett Sq. reaches deal for fire, EMS services

On Monday, the Kennett Square Borough Council unanimously ratified a multi-year contract with Longwood Fire Company (Longwood) to provide the borough with Fire and Emergency Medical Services (EMS).

The two-year deal, which goes into effect January 1, 2025 (and runs until December 31, 2026), includes a funding increase of five (5) percent for 2025 and nine (9) percent for 2026. The borough and Longwood agreement also incorporates the borough seeking grants to help fund capital purchases on behalf of Longwood.

Stabilizing the cost of Fire and EMS, whilst maintaining outstanding services, was identified as a top priority of residents, businesses owners, and community leaders at the borough’s 2024 Strategic Planning Sessions. As such, the Borough prioritized securing a multi-year deal and financial stability for upcoming fiscal years. 

The borough and Longwood came to an agreement that funds important public safety services, whilst recognizing the Borough’s financial constraints. This agreement enabled the Borough to not raise taxes in 2025.

Borough Council President Bob Norris stated, “The ability to compromise allowed Kennett Square and our fire and emergency services to both continue to serve and support each other. The Borough and our neighboring towns have one of the finest group of Fire and EMS people to be found. Working with the Borough to be able to afford that high-quality service is the right thing to do for the people that live, work, and play in Kennett Square.”

Longwood Fire Company Chief A.J. McCarthy stated, “The fire companies of the Kennett Regional Fire Department look forward to continuing to serve the Borough of Kennett Square as they have for hundreds of years. Through the collaborative efforts of Fire Department leadership, KFERC Administrator Alison Dobbins, and the Borough Manager, I am glad we were able to come to terms that are agreeable to all parties. With these challenges behind us, we look forward to resolving the systemic problems that have historically impeded our ability to work together. Ultimately, the fire department and the Borough Council share the same vision—safety for all people who live, work, or otherwise enjoy our Borough. I am hopeful for a brighter future.”

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