Letter: Duanne Scavicchio and the DEI Question

To The Editor,

On October 9th, I attended a candidate forum put together by the League of Women Voters and a group of DASD students.  The event was informative, and I commend all the candidates from both parties who participated.

During the forum, each candidate was asked their stance on the district’s DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) programs, including the hiring of a DEI director.  Every candidate, including Republican Duanne Scavicchio (Region 5) responded positively. Mr. Scavicchio answered that he works for a company that has “a very strong DEI program.”  He added, “It’s very important in the community and in schools . . . . it’s only going to help our community grow and move forward.”

His answer was surprising, given that Mr. Scavicchio is endorsed by Moms 4 Liberty.  Moms 4 Liberty makes no secret of its anti-DEI stance.  This organization, both nationally and locally, views DEI efforts as a Trojan horse, infiltrating schools with Critical Race Theory.  One of their goals is to eliminate school district DEI efforts.  The entire point of an endorsement is to signal to the voter that a candidate shares their goals.

I find it very hard to believe that Scavicchio presented the same views on DEI to both Moms 4 Liberty and the DASD voters at the forum. Mr. Scavicchio’s personal Facebook page features memes mocking vegetarians, trans-and gender non-conforming individuals, and making fun of Greta Thunberg, known climate activist and person with autism.  Does this seem like someone who truly supports DEI efforts?

 It all begs the question: was Scavicchio dishonest regarding this issue?  And whom did he deceive – Moms 4 Liberty or DASD voters?

I don’t know, and therein lies a very big problem.

I have asked Mr. Scavicchio to respond to this.  To date he has not.   If this is all a misunderstanding, the onus is on him to clear up and let the public know how he really feels regarding DEI, as voters on either side of the issue are passionate.

Let me be clear.  It is unacceptable and disqualifying for Mr. Scavicchio to have misled either group.  No matter what his true feelings are about DEI, his duplicity has already rendered him unfit to serve on any school board or in any office that requires the public trust.  No DASD voter from either party can rely on him to say what he means and mean what he says.

Jennifer Fenn

West Bradford 

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  1. Melanie Lewis says:

    Why would Unionville care about what a Dowingtown mom has to say about a school board candidate that isn’t in her region? Top to bottom this reads like a whiney, mid-life, woke, white woman who needed a place to vent.

  2. Shannon says:

    No surprise here that a radical left wing activist wrote this opinion under the delusion that she’s somehow unbiased. This authors makes constant efforts to defame those who don’t think like her, hypocrisy at its best. As a previous commenter notes- “If you actually listen to the moderator of the candidate forum, prior to her question, the moderator added a comment Ms. Fenn is misrepresenting the facts. They were not asked their “stance” on the district’s DEI policy, and they were not asked about the hiring of a DEI directors, although some included that in their response.”

    Grasping at straws to interfere with election results.

  3. Ron Swanson says:

    Vegetarians deserve to be mocked imo. In the case of Greta Thunberg her views on the climate are worrisome. We are not going to wave a magic wand, raise taxes, and “fix” the climate crisis the way our costal elites would like us to. I respect Greta for walking the walk and talking the talk opting to travel by boat and train as opposed to taking a private jet like many other climate “activists”.

  4. Hanna says:

    It is ok for someone to have partial views or support the right to treat humans appropriately. So, maybe he can do both. Support some aspects and DEI and MFL. I can can’t speak for him just my thoughts.

    Also, it’s no secret much DEI in its digested form is nothing short of racism. But again, that is just my view based on what I see.

    There is plenty of thoughts around DEI. The article below is very interesting.


  5. Barbara Sherlock says:

    If you actually listen to the moderator of the candidate forum, prior to her question, the moderator added a comment that DEI has been an issue that the League of Women Voters has agreed is the direction to take. She then proceeds to ask the candidates to “briefly express either what your personal experience has been with the concept of DEI, it might even be your marriage, who knows?, or any other organization that you have been involved with or experiences at the school here. Briefly explain what your understanding is of the concept.” Once again, Ms. Fenn is misrepresenting the facts. They were not asked their “stance” on the district’s DEI policy, and they were not asked about the hiring of a DEI directors, although some included that in their response.

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