2022 Science Fair: Behavioral and Social Sciences Winners
Each year, the Chester County Intermediate Unit (CCIU) holds the annual Chester County Science Research Competition (CCSRC). Now in its 34th year, the CCSRC brings over 300 students from more than 40 districts to the Parkesburg Point to show off their skills and abilities as scientists, engineers, mathematicians and more.
The CCRSC features two separate fairs during the competition. The Lucy Balian Rorke-Adam’s Fair represents students in grades 6-12 and will take place on Tuesday, March 7, while the Jonas Salk Fair represents students in grades 4-5 and will take place on Wednesday, March 8. The CCSRC’s inclusion of a science fair for grades 4-5 is unique among science competitions. Snow dates for the fair are March 9 and 10.
The CCSRC is dedicated to encouraging, supporting and developing scientific inquiry and discovery through individual and team science projects conducted by elementary, middle and high school students. The CCIU believes that students are the foundation of our nation’s future. Their understanding and accomplishments in science and technology will prepare them to become the leaders of tomorrow and successful citizens in our technologically advancing society.
Team and individual projects that are awarded a prize will advance to the Delaware Valley Science Fair (DVSF), which will take place on April 4-6 at The Greater Philadelphia Expo Center in Oaks, PA.
For information regarding the Chester County Science Competition, please visit www.cciu.org/science-fair or contact special events coordinator, Kathy Gurnee at kathyg@cciu.org.