Letter: Avondale Council needs to offer virtual option for meetings

To The Editor

We’ve all just been through a year that we never imagined possible. In addition to the pandemic, citizen participation in democracy and voter turnout are at record levels. The message is loud and clear: We, The People, want to be heard.

Unfortunately, most of the current Avondale Borough Council is not allowing that to happen.

Who among us has someone in our household with asthma, COPD, another disability or is currently undergoing cancer treatment or in remission? That describes many Chester county households.

The Avondale Borough Council, though, thinks that those conditions should preclude you from participating in democracy. Recently, a borough resident asked to have Zoom or call-in access for the monthly borough council meeting and was denied. The reply was curt: “The meeting is in person only.  You will be able to social distance in our meeting room.”

Times have changed. Technology has changed. We can now meet with people across the globe at a moment’s notice. Avondale Borough Council needs to adjust to meet our changing times.

The Borough can well afford the free or low-level pay options that Zoom and other services offer. If nothing else, the meetings could be held on Facebook Live, which is completely free, always.

Our residents deserve nothing less. One should not have to sacrifice their personal health (or that of a beloved family member) to participate in democracy.

If elected to Borough Council, I will ensure that all Council Meetings and Council Business are accessible to all borough residents and taxpayers. You deserve nothing less.



Michael Essmaker,


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