To the Editor,
2020 is an election year and I feel safe in writing that it will be unlike any other because of the Covid 19 epidemic. I also feel pretty certain that the election may not be, at this moment, in the forefront of your mind. As you probably know Pennsylvania moved the date of the primary from April 28th to June 2nd. Another reason why this election will be so unique is that Pennsylvania’s election law has changed as a result of new legislation passed last year. For instance, straight party voting will no longer be possible and anyone can vote by mail.
While recent events have changed the relative importance of the primary I urge you still to vote so that you learn the steps necessary to vote from home if you so choose. This will help Chester County Voters Services test this new system of mail-in balloting. For those of you who want to vote in person it is important to test out safety measures that might be needed this coming November if the coronavirus is still an issue. For those of you who watched the election in Wisconsin a few weeks back, it is vital for all of us to learn the mechanics and logistics of voting during a time of social distancing. We will have to learn if polling precincts are still viable and how many workers are willing to show.
The primary is a closed one meaning that only registered Republicans and Democrats can vote in June. Independents will not be able to choose the individual candidates for the general election in November. I encourage you to take a look at all the candidates especially a first timer who is running for the state house, Richard Ruggieri. Born and raised in Chester County, Ruggieri is the candidate for the 13th district which is mostly in southern Chester County and a small segment of Lancaster County. Legislative districts can be confusing to comprehend but if you look at the 13th by way of school districts it is all of Oxford, most of Avon Grove and some of Octorara.
Upon graduation from high school, Ruggieri joined the Air Force and spent four years in active duty and six in the reserves. After his service to the country he went to Penn State University and earned a degree in Information Science. He remained at the university working for them, then went to Boeing before going to his present job at Barclay’s Bank in their information technology department. While at PSU he met his future wife Christina and they and their two boys live in London Grove township.
If you research Ruggieri at his website ( or on Facebook at Richard Ruggieri for PA 13 you will notice his involvement and commitment to the local community whether it’s his collection effort for local food banks or his alarm over the possible sale of the Chester Water Authority to the private, for profit Aqua Water. With one child in public school he is also keenly aware of what the shutdown has done to the school year and the challenges faced by students, teachers and families.
But he is also very alarmed by what the pandemic has done to state finances and the potential impact on everything from healthcare to the state system of universities. When he takes office in January 2021 he promises to focus on three areas: education and job training, property tax reform and the stewardship of natural resources. As I mentioned early on, 2020 will be an atypical election year. Large rallies and door to door visits may not be possible so candidates will have to use somewhat unconventional means to interact with the electorate. I hope you will take the time to learn about all the candidates of all major parties and educate yourself about the pressing issues and the potential approaches to solve them.
Eric Schott,
London Grove
Letter: Study the candidates and you’ll find Ruggieri is the best for 13th District
To the Editor,
While recent events have changed the relative importance of the primary I urge you still to vote so that you learn the steps necessary to vote from home if you so choose. This will help Chester County Voters Services test this new system of mail-in balloting. For those of you who want to vote in person it is important to test out safety measures that might be needed this coming November if the coronavirus is still an issue. For those of you who watched the election in Wisconsin a few weeks back, it is vital for all of us to learn the mechanics and logistics of voting during a time of social distancing. We will have to learn if polling precincts are still viable and how many workers are willing to show.
The primary is a closed one meaning that only registered Republicans and Democrats can vote in June. Independents will not be able to choose the individual candidates for the general election in November. I encourage you to take a look at all the candidates especially a first timer who is running for the state house, Richard Ruggieri. Born and raised in Chester County, Ruggieri is the candidate for the 13th district which is mostly in southern Chester County and a small segment of Lancaster County. Legislative districts can be confusing to comprehend but if you look at the 13th by way of school districts it is all of Oxford, most of Avon Grove and some of Octorara.
Upon graduation from high school, Ruggieri joined the Air Force and spent four years in active duty and six in the reserves. After his service to the country he went to Penn State University and earned a degree in Information Science. He remained at the university working for them, then went to Boeing before going to his present job at Barclay’s Bank in their information technology department. While at PSU he met his future wife Christina and they and their two boys live in London Grove township.
If you research Ruggieri at his website ( or on Facebook at Richard Ruggieri for PA 13 you will notice his involvement and commitment to the local community whether it’s his collection effort for local food banks or his alarm over the possible sale of the Chester Water Authority to the private, for profit Aqua Water. With one child in public school he is also keenly aware of what the shutdown has done to the school year and the challenges faced by students, teachers and families.
But he is also very alarmed by what the pandemic has done to state finances and the potential impact on everything from healthcare to the state system of universities. When he takes office in January 2021 he promises to focus on three areas: education and job training, property tax reform and the stewardship of natural resources. As I mentioned early on, 2020 will be an atypical election year. Large rallies and door to door visits may not be possible so candidates will have to use somewhat unconventional means to interact with the electorate. I hope you will take the time to learn about all the candidates of all major parties and educate yourself about the pressing issues and the potential approaches to solve them.
Eric Schott,
London Grove
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