Letter: Time to move Pa. toward clean energy jobs

To The Editor,

The quest for Climate Change action has reached critical mass with the Global Climate Strike which took place last week.  We can’t depend on the federal government to protect our environment; let’s turn to our own state to start moving away from fossil fuels.

By supporting clean energy jobs now while cutting pollution, we can empower workers in the fossil fuel industry to be part of the solution. That is why we have set some achievable goals with PA House Bill 1425 to transition Pennsylvania to get to 100% renewable energy by 2050 to avoid the worst impact of this climate crisis.

All of our state legislators in Chester County are now co-sponsors of House Bill 1425 – except one: Rep. Tim Hennessey from the 26th PA Legislative District which covers portions of Montgomery and Chester Counties.

As a Chester County resident, I would like to see Rep. Hennessey get onboard with the rest of the delegation. If you agree we need to achieve 100% Renewable Energy by 2050 he needs to hear from you, his constituents. Tell Rep. Hennessey to support House Bill 1425 and let’s set up Pennsylvania to be a leader in the Clean Energy Revolution.

 Mary Ann Mack


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