Letter: E. Marlborough needs new ethics, transparency

To The Editor,

East Marlborough is our township.  We all love it for its rural, peaceful environment.  But I have had several people approach me to say it is time to make changes in how our township is governed.  We have an opportunity to do this on Nov. 7.  There are two Township Supervisor positions on the ballot.

The incumbent contestant was also the Township’s Road Master for many years.  When confronted with irregularities about how excess equipment ended up in his possession he stepped down from that role.  This person was also the Township’s Building Code Official.  He signed off on several properties that did not meet code.  The most well known example was the high school auditorium, which exceeded local height restrictions.  Other examples are well documented by the PA Dept. of Labor & Industry.  Their reports pointed to, in their words, a pattern of “inadequate performance.”  This person wants to continue to serve on our Board of Supervisors?  We deserve better.

The other Republican candidate serves on the Township’s Zoning Hearing Board with limited qualifying experience.  The Supervisors we elect should bring more than a well-known name to the job.

The two Democratic candidates, Julia McGovern Lacy and Robert McKinstry, Jr., do offer the type and depth of experience East Marlborough needs.  Julia is a civil engineer with over 20 years of experience in Township engineering, regulation and ordinances.  Her specialties include storm water management and flood control as well as sustainable land development.  She is also trained and experienced in Emergency Management.

McKinstry is an environmental lawyer and a long-term resident of the area.  He is dedicated to the township’s constitutional obligation as a trustee for the environment.  He is also committed to increasing the transparency of township decision-making, creating greater opportunity for public involvement and increasing regional solutions for land use regulation, police and other government services to increase effectiveness and lower costs.

It is time for fresh eyes in East Marlborough’s governance. It is time for a higher level of experience, ethics and transparency.  It is time to elect Julia McGovern Lacy and Robert McKinstry to East Marlborough’s Board of Supervisors.

Richard Bingham

East Marlborough

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