By Eliza Mohler, Staff Writer, The Times

Kennett Township Public Works Director Roger Lysle discusses extensive township clean ups after recent heavy rains.
KENNETT – The recent run of wet weather has kept the yownship’s public works crews on their toes.
At Wednesday night’s meeting of the Board of Supervisors, Public Works Director Roger Lysle discussed the impact that the heavy rainfall has had in different areas. “It’s been a pretty wild month for our road crew and the weather,” he said, noting that on July 23, seven and a half inches of rain fell in four hours.
“We’ve been fixing our issues for two and a half weeks now,” Lysle said. “We’ve had several stranded and abandoned cars. I haven’t seen that much water in a small area in my whole life here.”
Supervisor Richard Leff thanked Lysle for his department’s good work in addressing the issues caused by the storms. Supervisor Whitney Hoffman asked about the status of Burnt Mill Bridge Road; Lysle replied that at one point, water was 3.5 feet over the Burnt Mill Bridge.
“It took a lot of stone from Burnt Mill that washed up in people’s yards,” he said. “We lost a lot of banks on Centreville Road. It looks like a war zone at some of the places.”
Township Manager Lisa Moore presented a proposal to accept scrap metal at the township recycling center at 557 Bayard Road. Lysle pushed back against the suggestion because of problems with scrap being dumped in recycling, as well people who like to scavenge and pull items out illegally.
On the positive side, it would be convenient for residents to be able to dispose of bulky metal objects through the township. Moore said several scrap businesses were ready to remove items safely, for which the township would receive a small profit.
Chief of Police Lydell Nolt recommended suggested implementing limited times for scrap availability, and Lysle agreed. Lysle, Hoffman and Leff talked about parameters that need to be set for the project; Moore said she, Lysle and Nolt would figure it out. The supervisors approved Moore’s proposal, but Chairman Scudder Stevens asked her to provide information about structure and rules for the project.
Prior to adjourning, the board appointed township resident Kevin Parchen to the trails and sidewalks committee. Parchen is excited about the committee’s mission and had already been attending meetings, Moore said.