Chesco GOP hits Rzucidlo over mailers, story quotes

chescogoplogoWEST CHESTER – Chairman Val DiGiorgio blasts the local Democratic Party and candidate Susan Rzucidlo for a mailer that hit homes of Chester County voters today that falsely attributes quotes to a local news source when it was actually a quote from a press release that the Democratic Committee of Chester County generated themselves.

Chairman Val DiGiorgio stated, “This is an unethical and disgraceful campaign ploy.  Susan Rzucidlo slanders Eric Roe and then makes the Chester County Times an unwitting participant to that slander by attributing her lying quotes to that newspaper.  In all my years in politics, I have never seen anything like this. Susan Rzucidlo should be ashamed of herself. The worst part? The Times of Chester County endorsed Susan Rzucidlo in this election. She then turns around and throws it back in the paper’s face.”

“Susan Rzucidlo is fooling no one by saying that she had nothing to do with this. This mailer was paid for by the House Democratic Campaign Committee (HDCC) and done in coordination with her campaign.  Susan has listed the HDCC’s contribution on her most recent financial report.”

DiGiorgio continued, “The Democrats did the same thing to a Republican House Candidate in Western PA. A local paper endorsed the Democrat candidate and was forced to pull that endorsement after unfair and misleading information was attributed to the paper. We think the newspaper should rescind its endorsement of someone who falsely attributed quotes to the paper. For the sake of media outlets everywhere, the Democratic Committee and Susan Rzucidlo should be forced to apologize. Susan Rzucidlo and her campaign, in falsely attributing these comments to The Times of Chester County, are now willing participants in unethical and egregious actions.”

Lastly, DiGiorgio stated, “Eric Roe has lived in the 158th district for 25 years.  He’s always voted here.  He’s always been a licensed driver here.  Susan Rzucidlo’s attacks are false and levied just before Election Day in an effort to take the focus off her support for bigger government and higher taxes.”

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