Letter: Morley asks for voter support in primary

To The Editor,

Letters1Since January, I have been out meeting with voters in hopes of earning their vote for Magisterial District Judge (MDJ) of District 15-4-04 on Primary Election Day, Tuesday, May 19th.  MDJ 15-4-04 serves West Grove and Avondale Boroughs, London Grove, Franklin, London Britain, New Garden, and West Marlborough Townships.

Magisterial District Courts hear preliminary hearings on criminal and misdemeanor matters, arraign and set bail on those accused of crimes, and review and approve search warrants.  The MDJ also hears civil cases under $12K, including Land Lord/Tenant matters and Truancy cases.  

I am the only attorney running for this office.  I worked as a Prosecutor with the State’s Attorney’s Office in Cook County, Chicago for 8 years, putting murderers, drug dealers and other violent criminals behind bars.  After moving back home, I served as an Assistant District Attorney in Chester County for 2 years and went on to manage a small law practice during the past 9 years helping seniors and families by appealing their tax assessments and significantly reducing  their property tax burden.  If elected, I will close my private practice and serve as a full-time District Judge.

A wife and mother of four children, I am deeply invested in the families and children in our community.  I am the Founder and Coach of the Avon Grove Wildcats Field Hockey program and the Director and Coach of the Avon Grove Wildcats Girls Lacrosse program.  Additionally, I organized the Local Youth Task Force which is actively engaged with the Avon Grove School Board and School District Officials.  I also serve Franklin Township as the elected Township Auditor where I am charged with auditing the financial records of the Municipal Government.

It is significant to note that my opponent and I will appear on both the Republican and Democratic ballots. Qualifications, credentials, honesty, integrity, and the ability to be fair and impartial were closely examined, and I emerged as the only Party-endorsed candidate by an overwhelming majority.   I enjoy the support of both Democratic and Republican voters.

I hope your readers will consider voting for me on Tuesday, May 19th.  Thank you for your time and consideration.  For more information, please visit: www.MorleyForJudge.com or on Facebook at “Nicole Morley for Magisterial District Judge.”

Nicole Morley

Candidate for Magisterial District Judge, 15-4-04


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  1. Brian says:

    Morely? Your Facebook page is quiet! Are you going to make a statement? At least thank those who came out and supported you?

  2. Avondale Very upset says:

    Today the public will speck, and let’s see if they fall for all your lies. I know you got away with almost hitting someone. But the truth will come out. We all know God knows.

  3. Avondale Very Upset says:

    Hope by now you all know …very sad…..but true. Feel for Morely’s children. Wait to you hear who was at the wheel. As we have been saying the best is Seavey or the job

  4. Kate says:

    Bottom line is we have an attorney with little experience running against an experienced and successful judge who has worked at that court for 14 years — almost 6 as the judge. Which one has better job experience? If it were your money (and it is) which job candidate would you hire?

    From her own information she has been doing reassessments in her home. I hardly see this as “lawyerly” experience since anyone could do that on their own and not pay someone. In fact, reassessments hurt the rest of us and ultimately cause our taxes to rise. Sitting on the Franklin Board of Auditors is a big nothing too. Those guys meet maybe once a year to sanctify salaries set by the Board of Supervisors. Hardly job experience.

    I have met this woman when she came to my door, and I found her to lack the judicial temperament I would hope to see in my judge. I also find it disturbing that she is so heavily aligned with the Republican party. If you do that, you are beholden to them for your job.

    Give me the guy with the nonpartisan demeanor, the experience, and the track record of “real” cases.

  5. Not Fooled says:

    Karen, I am not sure where you get your information. If you believe what Nicole is saying than you really will believe anything. Nicole will dig herself her own hole, she doesnt need someone else to tell a story what you believe as false to do that for her. When a person says they dont want to vote for you and you still put your sign in their yard, what does that say about you, you dont respect your voters.

  6. Karen says:

    Just so you all know the real truth, this never happened. The young man made the whole story up. Seavey’s camp is so desperate it’s scary.

    • Mike McGann says:

      Okay — I think everyone needs to cool it. Based on the reports I’ve been able to see from the date in question, there’s no record of such an incident.

      Folks seem to be throwing around an awful lot of stuff here…and as previously noted, neither side has really covered itself in glory.

      • ChescoPO says:

        Mr. McGann, I took it upon myself to contact the PSP in Avondale recently and was surprised to learn that this topic about a Seavey volunteer being run down by a vehicle is indeed accurate. Apparently it is an active investigation and they have a promising “Suspect”. Before you discount others posts please do your due diligence and go to measures to confirm before you blast others. If I can get at least that much information you clearly didn’t try as you are the media and are privy to more information than us all!

    • Avondale Very upset says:

      Karen to me it seems the only one on here scary is you and Morley.

    • ChescPO says:

      Karen, it seems very evident through your comments that you are in fact Nicole Morley. I am trying to wrap my head around why you feel the need to mask yourself and hide behind a fake name. Also, it seems extremely clear that something in fact truly DID happen the other day. I contacted the PSP in Avondale who explained that they were investigating an incident where a vehicle decked out with “Nicole Morley” signs attempted to run over a Judge Matt Seavey campaign member who was on foot placing a Seavey sign on a lawn. Apparently they have developed a suspect. I will be looking forward to whether or not the “only lawyer” has enough pull to make this “go away”.

      To the community: Take a long close look at Morley before you cast your vote on May 19th. She has proven to be shady and slanderous while Seavey has remained a consummate silent professional. Morley (especially her family) has proven to be far more dangerous than you may know…Vote carefully!!!

      • Mike McGann says:

        Okay, first off, the media gets no special access. What we do get is a summary of events — arrests, accidents, etc. — sent to us periodically. I did call and leave a message, but got no response. But, and here’s where there’s a problem, the police don’t much tend to comment on ongoing investigations. However, I invite anyone to produce a police report on this alleged incident — a public document — and we’ll run it. Otherwise, stop making unsubstantiated allegations.

  7. Paula Goodall says:

    Avondale, my friend called the police and they talked to him. They then went to Morleys house and he does not know what happened next. Maybe the editor of this paper can call and find out info and advise?

  8. Lynne Thomas says:

    After her failure to fool the readers of the Unionville Times… the Morley campaign has posted several letters to the editor of the following papers: The Kennett Times, Chesco Times, Coatsville Times and the Franklin Township Observer. Please share your message with these readers so ALL can be informed with the same information shared in the Unionville Times. Thank you.

  9. Paula Goodall West Marlborough says:

    Katie I dont have the courage to call the police and ask about it. If you call please advise what they say

  10. Paula Goodall West Marlborough says:

    Katie/Bev, actually it might have been Saturday night but a person putting up Seaveys signs was almost run over in Nicoles neighborhood…police are investigating and questioning nicole and her husband. It was definitely their car. State police are handling I believe. If you dont believe me call them and see what they say. I know the guy who almost was hit and they came out and went to their house.

    • Avondale Very upset says:

      Paula, Let me understand you, you are saying you called the police and they gave you this information? I didn’t think the police would do that? If that’s the case it seems Morley will do ANY THING to win!! I wonder if her children were in the car?

  11. Katie says:

    Bev what happened Fri night?

  12. Katie says:

    Gwen I agree you are who your friends are
    Nichole has some really undesirables backing her
    Had she had some educated backers that could hold a conversation I may have considered voting for her

  13. Bev says:

    After what happened Friday night, I think Nicole has bigger things to worry about than what Judge Seavey was accused of 6 years ago

  14. Kate says:

    Avondale — thank you for making sure the facts are there. The voters need to know. I find it particularly offensive, in any forum, when someone insinuates there is a deep, dark secret lurking to manipulate the public. This is particularly heinous when it’s a lawyer, someone who claims to be an officer of the court, spins a fallacious story against an opponent.

    That’s a disgrace.

    Nicole Morley — how would you like to have someone use an inaccurate fact against you? If you will stoop to this, how would you behave when entrusted with the power of a judge position?


  15. Avondale very upset says:

    Kate, it’s 7 years that have passed and I even think it was a year before Seavey ran which would make it 8 years ago!!! I want to make sure all the facts are correct for Seavey since Judge Seavey wants to run his campaign with all the facts out there as he did 7 years ago.

  16. Kate says:

    Thank you for having the courage to “out” the insinuations. I suppose they always say, “the best defense is a good offense.”

    If the worst thing the Morley campaign can dig up about Judge Seavey is 6 years old and unfounded, it makes me wonder what the Morley campaign is hiding about their own candidate? Thank you to the Seavey team for running a classy race. It does matter how you get to the election. Insinuations and negativism are a huge turnoff.

    Either way, as a voter, I always choose the best candidate. Experience and a clean record wins every time, and gender is irrelevant to me.

  17. ronnie cartwright says:

    Nicole what are your thoughts on immigration?

  18. Jose Tapia says:

    This is something that really worries me about Nicole. She keeps harping on being this super lawyer/prosecutor and talks about all the murderers, drug dealers etc that she has put away. Well, people like me who get tickets now and again don’t appear to be able to have a fair trial in her court. She seems pre-determined to send everyone to jail or in my case, find me guilty of anything I come into her court for. I personally know that I have a chance to win in Judge Seavey’s court because I was in there for a hearing two years ago on a speeding ticket. After hearing my side of things, he found me not guilty. It gave me faith in the system.

  19. LGT resident says:

    Attended the Willowdale Races yesterday. Morley obviously does not feel the rules apply to her, as she had put up campaign signs everywhere. The event officials are clear when you book a slot that there is to be no political signage. Guess that judicial candidate does not have to play by the rules…Is she above the law as well?

  20. Want my sign Back! says:

    I had my Seavy sign taken from my yard. Not sure why because there is one every few houses. I guess the sight was unbearable for some delinquent morley supporter.

  21. Avondale Very upset says:

    Excuse me Karen, but please get all the facts straight before you put in print. Check into more. You will find it was all cleared and in the paper before the last time Judge Seavey was elected by the people… including the people now who are trying to pull him through the mud

  22. Paula arroyo says:

    Nicole, what are your feelings on abortion?

  23. Susan Moore says:

    Mike, sorry if you are getting frustrated with all this but I appreciate you allowing us to go back and forth. Don’t let your faith or hope in the candidates be affected by all of our passion for our choices.

    That said, Karen/Nicole, so you had to find an incident from when Matt was a constable to come up with a negative to say about him? That incident was brought up during the last election (surprise) and dealt with and the voters voted. Did you find anything this decade? Did you find anything since he has been a judge? No? Well thanks for admitting that he has been flawless since he took office.

  24. LGT resident says:

    Finally, someone has the fortitude to say what Morley’s campaign has been insinuating and whispering all along. Matt was suspended and an investigation was held over the submission of a couple hours of overtime totaling approximately $15. The time Seavey was putting in for was when he was transporting a prisoner, arrived at the prison for drop-off, and the prison was shut down during an ambulance call. Due to prison standard operating procedure, he was forced to wait until the prison was out of lock-down to complete the transaction, thus incurring the OT in question.Matt was never charged with any wrongdoing, and the investigation was closed. Seavey was essentially cleared of all charges.The real crime was the amount of taxpayer time/money that was wasted on such a trumped up politically motivated charge in the first place. Gee, let me guess. Are we to expect a grand finale of accusations from the Morley campaign in the coming week? Why doesn’t her campaign try something new, like being positive.

    Morley talks about honesty and integrity, then allows children to promote her campaign in our schools and on the playing fields. She wears her campaign pin while coaching, and flouts it in the communities face (posting it all on her campaign FB page). I even received a phone call from an 8 year old relative asking me and my wife to “vote for Morley”. We asked why and this child replied” because I will get a pin if I do it”. The very next day this relative came home from school with a Morley campaign pin. The Wildcats organization is a non-profit and ANY politics are forbidden. Her actions jeopardize the tax exempt status of the whole organization! Is this the kind of judgement we can expect if she is elected?

    And there is the over aggressiveness, stealing of Seavey campaign signs, threatening local officials who supports Seavey, lying about committee people switching allegiances, ect. May 19th cannot come fast enough…

  25. Bev says:

    So Nicole have you come up with anything that would be deemed not trustworthy or without integrity since he has been judge?

  26. Susan Moore says:

    I think you should do a little more research on that. It was a BS then and the voting public knew it and he was elected judge. First off it’s a shame that Nicole can’t answer these questions herself. And second it’s a shame people have to bring up something that happened when he was a constable, and can’t come up with anything more recent. He has passed with flying colors on every audit since he has been in office. Again it’s low down dirty politics at its finest. And Karen/Nicole you should be ashamed of yourself. My guess is though that she/you will get desperate enough to bring it up at some point and once again it will not be an issue

  27. Karen says:

    Do you mean that she hasn’t publicly spoken about how Matt Seavey was suspended by a Common Pleas Court Judge in 2009 for submitting false documents and then trying to cover them up?

  28. Susan Moore says:

    Nicole mentioning that she was party endorsed due to, among other things, honesty and integrity, is a low ball, dirty BS political trick. Put that out there and don’t explain it and don’t answer anybody who asks you to explain. If Judge Seavey put in his mail outs/flyers something like, “Keep corruption out of this office. Vote for me,” but not explain what he means. The question people would ask him is, what do you mean keep corruption out of office? Is Nicole corrupt? Please explain what you mean…but not explain. That would be dirty and unfair, hence he has integrity and honesty and does not do it. Nicole, you and your dimwit cohorts should be embarrassed and ashamed of themselves.

  29. Chip -West Grove says:

    Thanks so much Morley supporter/s I had a good laugh reading all the posts someone did as they all read very similar.. I do have to say I ready NOTHING Seavey supports said that I myself haven’t heard around the area about Morley. I think it is she who you should be addressing to clean up their ways!!! As for the comment about dogs, remember if you lie with dogs you will get fleas

    • Karen says:

      Chip – if that’s your real name, I can’t understand a thing you are trying to say. Need to re-think your sentences.

      • Jacob says:

        Karen, I think he is not convinced that these comments were made by independent free thinking individuals. Instead of denying the accusations and facts, someone on the nicole campaign should come forward and address them. I think it would sway some negative opinions about her. Not sure why she hasn’t. Probably because she has Chip and George in her corner and they would get thrown under the bus. I asked this before and I’ll ask it again…. Please define in detail the lack of integrity in Seavy’s court.

        • Karen says:

          She has always taken the high road, unlike people in Seavey’s campaign.

          • Mike McGann says:

            I’d like to add to the comments the following email from a Morely supporter, Karen Williams, that sent to our News Editor, Kim Chiomento:

            “I’ve been reading the awful comments allowed at the Unionville Times about this race and just made a bid discovery.

            Ed Foster – your ad salesman – has his same picture on Matt Seaveys Facebook page for MJ.

            I’ll be contacting the Daily Local News and other publications.

            Not good.”

          • Mike McGann says:

            And now my own reply:

            Ed Foster is a freelance ad sales person for us. He is also my stepson — who I thought maybe could use a little work. As a private citizen, he has the right to support any candidate he chooses. Furthermore, I am Facebook friends with any number of elected officials (R & D) and candidates I would NEVER vote for — so friending someone is meaningless.

            Additionally, he has no role in determining editorial policy here (ad people do one thing: they sell ads), so by all means, please, make an ass of yourself and run right to The Daily Local News, The New York Times, WorldNetDaily or The Weekly World News with exactly the sort of baseless, arguably fact-free accusation that you and other Morely supporters have claimed that Seavey’s supporters have been making.

            Undoubtedly, the irony will be lost on you.

            I don’t care who wins, not even slightly, although based on the conduct of each side’s supporters, I’d be a strong endorser of “none of the above,” as frankly I think judicial elections are foolish.

            That having been said, I also am a proponent of free speech and letting everyone have their say, no matter how foolish, ignorant or ridiculous. Everyone gets their say. If you don’t like it, undoubtedly, there are other media outlets that will merely reenforce your world view, rather than offering differing, possibly enlightening, points of view.

          • JR says:

            What just happened, can we still make comments?

          • Foolish Commenter says:

            Sounds like you need a vaction Mike. Before this letter, I didn’t know the Unionville Times existed. Be proud, excited and grateful you got this type of response.

          • Mike McGann says:

            An addendum: I spoke with Ed this weekend, and after a subsequent Facebook search, it turns out Karen Williams’ claims were not true. He was never a Facebook friend with Matt Seavey, nor liked his campaign page. Now, honestly, I don’t care who my employees/freelancers support personally (as they are people and have a right to exercise their rights as American citizens), but it appears that a perfectly innocent person was slimed, our integrity was unfairly questioned and much was made of something fictitious. One must pray that Ms. Morely’s supporters behavior is not a reflection on her judicial temperament.

  30. Kate says:

    Let’s do the math. Attending law school does not make one qualified for all things. Most people would agree, job experience does. While Mrs. Morley has done things along the lines of the legal profession, she has no direct job experience. By all accounts, except for the comments by a handful of questionable characters, not a single shred of evidence – important for a lawyer — has been shared as to why Judge Seavey has done a less than admirable job requiring his replacement. Not one. This is simply a challenge by someone who wants a job with a paycheck and a pension challenging someone who has cleaned up that court and prepared the job for them.

    I have written not a single disrespectful thing, simply stated the facts. In my book, and I have checked, experience, leadership, and a job well done wins my vote. Throw all the mud you want, but the Morley campaign seems like a lot of hot air.

  31. Kellie says:

    It’s a shame that the Seavey Campaign is resorting to spreading lies and hearsay via a news website comment section. Sad really. I’ve known Morley for years. One simply can’t argue with the fact that she has tremendous experience, a true natural inclination to make a positive impact in our community and incredibly high integrity. Please at least Google both candidates before casting a vote blindly? The news and the law reveals all. Morley has my family’s support.

    • Jacobs says:

      Kellie, what are the lies? When is the last time she practiced criminal law? It’s pretty clear she hasn’t. I did exactly what you just recommended. All I found was a fraud. I asked her to clarify. Will she answer?

  32. Jacob says:

    Let’s dissect her “resume” a little more. According to her “LinkedIn”, following college in 1996 she was employed with the Cook County State Attorney’s Office as an Assistant State Attorney. I am going to guess that an Assistant State Attorney straight out of college isn’t going to be assigned lead prosecutor for a murder case. That will probably go to a Chief Attorney or Deputy Attorney. Nicole, can you please clarify your assignment (bureau) and cite any major (murder) cases where you were lead prosecutor? I am only asking because you referenced it in you letter. We wouldn’t want to misinterpret a statement as a lie now would we? The second point I would like to make is she last practiced criminal law almost a decade ago with the Chester County District Attorney’s Office (for a measly 2 years). She has been practicing corporate law since then. She is not qualified or experienced as she claims. Laws and interpretation of laws evolve over time. Anything she practiced a decade ago can be considered out of date. Lastly, I just want to ask you directly, WHY NOW? You ABANDONED criminal law in 2006. You clearly don’t have the passion or drive for this type of work. If you did, you would have stuck with it. Why come back now?

  33. Karen Williams says:

    All of these 5 comments are completely false. Talk about down and dirty. Desperate people do desperate things.

  34. Gwen Galligan says:

    These commenters sound like they’re a part of a local bullying mafia cabal. Sexist, too.

    Mrs. Morley–keep up the positive campaign—ignore the down and dirties. They sling mud because they fear a better qualified and experienced professional– one who will be fair and not manipulated. You will be an excellent judge!

    Your opponent should be ashamed of these supporters and call off the dogs–but as the saying goes, you are who your friends are. Character matters.

    • jacob says:

      Please tell me how I am sexist? I researched her resume that she posted and cross referenced it with statements she made. They are not accurate and clear. I asked her to clarify. She hasn’t. What is sexist about that? That is not mud slinging. I’m basing my opinion off facts. Every Morely supporter has simply responded with name calling or just flat out denial. Are there, for the love of god, any morley supporters out there that can respond with an intelligent factual based argument! She claims there is a lack of integrity in the current office. Please explain How? She has yet to do that. If you are going to point the finger you have to say why.

  35. Kate says:

    It does not take a lawyer to do all things, though I suppose lawyers prefer it that way. Once again, going to law school does not qualify one for every position. What should be taken into account is whether one has aligned herself with honorable people and run a clean campaign.

    I, too, have heard a lot of borderline slander, insinuation, and bullying. If this is how a candidate conducts a campaign, a LAWYER no less, how might she conduct her court?

    Are we ensured of justice for all, or simply those who can pay for an attorney or are the right party? Will this candidate serve all kids, or just those who are college bound? Will she be available 24/7? And is she a good administrator, because that is critical also.

    Serious concerns exist here, and not much in the way of substance and substance can’t be concocted in the few weeks of a primary election campaign.

    Character IS an issue as a judge and quite frankly so is experience AS a judge.

    Judge Seavey has my vote.

  36. Shelia says:

    Nicole, are you affiliated with or do you consider yourself a Tea Party Candidate? Are you supported by the Democratic party in any way? Other than sports, what community involvement have you been involved with? I would like more specifics on your stance and how you would run your court differently than the current judge.

  37. Jacob says:

    I believe if Nicole Morley would have centered her campaign on facts and real issues in this area she would have been more credible as a consideration for MDJ. However, there have been a misrepresentation of facts specifically surrounding the integrity of our current MDJ Matthew Seavy. She has surrounded herself with less than honorable people to support her campaign and slander tactics which are borderline criminal. If she cant even make the simplest judgment in personality, how is she capable of making judgments in issues that truly matter and affect people lives in the court room. Also, for the record, I agree with the comment made by “Avondale very upset”. She definitely came off as pushy and an ego maniac when I met her.

    • Avondale LEO says:

      I couldn’t agree more! Morressey was overheard speaking of Morley’s breasts just weeks ago. He is far too antique at this point to serve his current function and has chosen to start a ban waggon of slanderers of DJ Seavey for the simple fact that his collegues employment with DJ Seavey was terminated for poor attitue and work ethic and Im sure other reasons. Morley has chosen to saddle up and hop on this ban waggon in support of the slander. Morley may have a great family and a successful history in her tax law practice however she DOES NOT have the knowledge and experience (that DJ Seavey does have) to propey conduct herself on the bench of 15-4-04. I am one, who through my employment with the state, have brought hundreds of criminals along with simple violators(moms and dads who made a traffic violation) to DJ Seaveys bench. There has never been a single occassion where DJ Seaves interest in the criminal/viators best interest was first and foremost. He has never been quick to judge as he is always fair and impartial. I simply WARN the citizens of 15-4-04 that if you elect Morley to sit atop that bench…you are electing a woman who has proven to take the word of a bitter Constable who had been fired for his poor performance and attitude. She has taken advice and listened to Morressey who behind her back, very openly speaks about her and objectifies her. Between the three of them this office would plunge into dishonesty and unfaithfulness to the people of 15-4-04 and the law. I leave you with this: Do you keep a proven success and avid community activist on that bench or do you chance the change with a cantidate who has sided with bitter old sexist men who feel wronged because they were fired from a job.

      Do the right thing…vote DJ Seavey for 15-4-04.

  38. Avondale very upset says:

    Yes you have and most of what you have to say is nothing but fabrication. not to mention people who tell you to your face NOT to leave a sign and you put one right on their lawn as you leave!!! Really Nicole is this the way a want to be Judge acts? You don’t have my vote and I hope others see you for what you are

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