UCF Ed. Foundation Golden Gala a big success


UCF Education Foundation Gala attendees share a moment during the sold-out event.

EAST MARLBOROUGH —The Unionville – Chadds Ford Education Foundation held its 2nd Annual Golden Gala at the Gables at Chadds Ford on Sat., Feb. 7. It was a festive evening of hors d‘oeuvres, cocktails, and music as nearly 200 guests filled the newly-renovated private space upstairs. The decor was rustic elegance with strung lights and panoramic windows that made the winter evening feel cozy inside.

Attendees included people throughout the UCF school district — parents, teachers, administrators, and community members — who came out to support the UCF Education Foundation and mingle with friends. UCF Superintendent, Dr. John Sanville, noted “The Golden Gala lived up to its name and was a glittering celebration of a very successful year.  The Education Foundation’s hard work is found throughout the district and benefits the entire community. It was my pleasure to be part of a lovely evening.”

The evening was a smashing success by all measures, thanks largely to the tireless efforts of co-chairs Anne Millman and Jennifer Hall. Tickets to the Golden Gala were sold out to capacity ahead of time. There was a prix fixe dinner offered prior to the Gala for those who wanted to start the celebration early, and The Gables generously donated a portion of the proceeds from the dinner to the Education Foundation. Said Anne Millman: “It was wonderful to see folks from every school in the Unionville Chadds Ford School district come out and enjoy the evening while supporting The Education Foundation.”

The highlight of the evening was a fabulous Silent Auction, featuring items generously donated by local businesses such as restaurants, vendors, and professional services. The Silent Auction raised over $17,500, and the Golden Gala event in total raised over $21,000. That money will be used to fund the Education Foundation’s many projects, programs and equipment that enhance the educational experience in Grades K through 12 throughout all six UCF schools.   “We really couldn’t have asked for a better event,” said UCF Education Foundation President Mike McGann. “Thanks to the hard work of so many of our members and volunteers as well as the generous donations of so many in the community, not only did we have a night to remember but we are able to continue our mission to enhance education.”

The UCF Education Foundation, now in its 20th year, is pleased to have funded over$300,000 to date in educational enhancements throughout the Unionville – Chadds Ford School District. For more information on becoming a member of the UCF Education Foundation, please contact Michelle Reichert at 484-354-1730 or reichertmvb@gmail.com or visit our website at http://ucfedfoundation.org.

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