New Garden police seek robbery suspects

TitleNEW GARDEN — The township Police Department is seeking a pair of suspects related to a distraction style residential burglary that occurred on Ewart Road  Friday afternoon.

The homeowner involved told police that a white male (Suspect #1) came to the door and asked him to show him where the property lines were on the east side of his residence. This suspect advised he was doing tree work for the neighbor and didn’t want to cut any trees that were on the victim’s property.  While walking towards the property line the victim said the suspect’s conversation didn’t make any sense and it appeared as if he was having a conversation with someone that wasn’t there.  The victim said the suspect also had a cell phone in his hand and appeared to be talking on it at several times during their interaction.  

According to reports, as they walked back towards the house, the victim noticed a heavy set black male (Suspect #2) standing in the front yard of the residence.  As they approached the house, Suspect #1 then asked the victim to show him the property line on the opposite side of the house.  The victim said he started to think something wasn’t right and walked back towards his residence.  When he did Suspect #1 walked over to a newer model full size crew cab pickup truck parked towards the end of the driveway.  The victim indicated that the interaction took approximately 15 to 20 minutes.

As the truck backed out of the driveway the victim noticed the tailgate was down and there was some type of sheet or blanket hanging off the tailgate concealing the license plate.  The vehicle was last seen on Ewart Road heading towards Limestone and Kaolin Roads.

The victim’s wife is disabled and was in bed at the time of the incident, police said.  The wife reported that the heavy set black male came into her bedroom while she was lying in bed.  The suspect engaged her in conversation about the TV program she was watching and asked her why she was in bed.  As the suspect spoke to her, another unknown race male came to the bedroom door and motioned for them to leave.  The wife stated the heavy set black male then left with the other unknown suspect.  The wife was not able to give any further description of the actors.  The victims report an electrical item stolen valued at $100.00.

The New Garden Township Police Department is requesting that any similar incidents be reported to your local police department of State Police and that any observed suspicious activity be reported immediately.  The New Garden Township Police Department is in contact with allied law agencies investigating similar incidents.  The public may contact Sgt. Keith Cowdright at 610-268-2907 ext. 102 or


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