Pocopson lists potential storm water management projects

Plantings, other low-cost projects seen as solution to meeting new federal requirements

By Mike McGann, Editor, UnionvilleTimes.com

A dog enjoys a refreshing swim in the Brandywine receently. Pocopson is offering a list of seven proposed projects to reduce erosion and sediment in bodies such as the Brandywine under a new federal mandate.

POCOPSON — Township officials gave a very preliminary green light Monday to a handful of proposed projects that could help the township meet new federal requirements on storm water management and sediment runoff.

The township agreed last year to work with the Brandywine Valley Association and a number of neighboring towns to develop a plan helping local municipalities meet what appear to be tougher new federal standards for controlling erosion and sediment being put into local waterways, such as the Brandywine. Eventually, the township will be expected to complete as many as five projects to improve erosion and runoff in the township.

Local townships have been asked to come up with a list of potential projects, including things already being done, so the BVA can work to come up a master list of projects and areas where townships can work together. In general, the initial round of project are expected to be minimal cost options, such as plantings to improve soil retention and reduce water runoff.

Supervisor Laurissa McNemar ran through a list of seven potential projects, including plantings on township property along the Brandywine, restricting access of cows to waterways on local farms, culvert and outlet repairs (which are typically already being done, officials note) and various forms of plantings along roadways and other areas to reduce or slow runoff of storm water.

At this point, the board of supervisors decided not to include any projects that might be on private property at this point, although if more requirements come in future years that might have to be considered.

Officials were quick to point out this is a very preliminary first step and that the list could change and the list was little more than the beginning of what will likely be a long process.

“It’s a good starting point,” supervisors chair Steve Conary said.

In other township news, the township still hopes to be able to open a room or two of the Barnard House for Pocopson Founders Day in September. The building, which is slated to become the new township building as well as the new home for the Kennett Underground Railroad Museum, will need some work though, before it can be deemed safe for even temporary use by the public.

If the township can get the building ready, the plan would be to have a mini-version of the Underground Railroad Museum as part of the township’s annual celebration.

Also, the township is seeking a township resident to serve on the Brandywine Battlefield Task Force, a local group looking to preserve the battlefield site in Chadds Ford and Birmingham townships after state funding for the park on the site was cut last year. As of yet, ads in the township newsletter as well as on the township’s Website have not yielded any volunteers. Conary said that the board would continue seeking candidates and ask the township’s Historical Committee and the Parks, Recreation and Trails committees to see if any of their members would like to participate.

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