Area father brings crusade to end scourge to Kennett High School

Andy Rumford (left) speaks with Police Chief Edward Zunino about the prevalence of heroin abuse in the region.
A Kennett Square father who lost his 23-year-old daughter to a heroin overdose earlier this year is continuing his quest to raise awareness about the dangers of this readily available drug and prevent similar tragedies.
Andy Rumford, who founded Kacie’s Cause in honor of Kacie E. Rumford, will host a Town Hall Meeting on Heroin Awareness and Education at Kennett High School on Wednesday from 7 to 9 p.m.
Rumford, whose research indicates that heroin can be obtained effortlessly at borough venues such as the Garage, Kennett High School or Anson B. Nixon Park, has held similar gatherings with overflow crowds in multiple locations, including the Longwood Fire Company and Oxford Borough Hall.
For more information, contact either Jacki Smiro at or Rumford