Long-time Mushroom Festival volunteers Mark and Jo Beth Thompson have been named as the Honorary Chairs for the 2013 Mushroom festival, which takes place Sept. 6-8.
KENNETT SQUARE — This year the Mushroom Festival chose a husband and wife team, Mark and Jo Beth Thompson, as its honorary chairpersons because of their dedication to the Festival and the hours they have dedicated to
making the Mushroom Festival the best it could be over the years.
Mark became involved with the Festival through his volunteer efforts with the Miss Mushroom Pageant, 30 years ago. He played a role for many years in organizing the annual Community Parade. He also served three terms on the Mushroom Festival’s Board of Directors and was its president for two years. He served on the Board as the Mushroom Festival transitioned from a small town local event to one with a national appeal and reputation as one of the best food festivals in the country.
A great cook herself, Jo Beth used her talents to bring a diverse array of guest chefs to the Culinary Tent each year. Jo Beth spends most of her time during the Festival in the Culinary Tent hosting the chefs and supporting them for their mushroom cooking demonstrations. She also organized one of the Festival’s most popular events: the Amateur Mushroom Soup Cook-Off. One of her major accomplishments was working to bring a professional demonstration kitchen to the Culinary Tent.
Mark and Jo Beth grew up and live in Kennett Square, Pa. Mark graduated with Kennett High School’s Classof 1968 and Jo Beth with the Class of 1970. Jo Beth works for Kitchen Kapers, in Wilmington, Delaware. Mark is the Sales Manager at Diver Chevrolet, in Wilmington, Delaware. They have two children Matthew and Patrick and one grandchild, Kacey.
The Mushroom Festival Board of Directors thanks Mark and Jo Beth Thompson for their years of service.
As Honorary Chairs both Mark and Jo Beth will ride at the head of the Community Parade this year. They will also select a charity to receive a donation in their name from the Mushroom Festival.