Tree and shrub program at Penn St.-Chesco

The Penn State Cooperative Extension – Chester County will hold an educational program on “Tree and Shrub Transplanting, Planting, Site Preparation, Mulching, Pruning, Total Care and Why”, on March 24, 2011 from  8:30 AM to 4:00 PM  at the Penn State Berks County Agricultural Center, 1238 County Welfare Road, Leesport, Pennsylvania  19533.

Participants will learn through classroom lecture and field work on site.  We will cover plant selection and handling, pre plant care, right plant right place, spacing, tree site preparation for planting, when and how to use guying wire and wrapping to promote proper tree growth, how to handle new plant material, watering and fertilization of newly established plants, pruning theory and terminology, proper pruning tools, tool safety, types of cuts, and the best time to prune, renovating and maintaining multi-stem evergreen and deciduous shrubs, and restoring and maintaining and training trees.  The cost is $75.00 per person.  Pre-registration is required by March 17, 2011.  CEU’s will be offered for International Society of Arboriculture members and two core credits to maintain your Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture pesticide applicator license is available.

For additional information or to register, please contact the Extension Office at 610-696-3500, or visit our


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